
Este término, ( irrompible ) en Inglés Unbreakable, lo uso porque dos pacientes diferentes, me lo recordaron al interrogarlos antes-durante un examen sonográfico. Ambos me hicieron recordar la película cuyo protagonista Bruce Willis, no se enfermaba y no se fracturaba ningún hueso, a pesar de ser protagonista de hechos que a cualquier otro le habría triturado, eso en contraposición con el otro protagonista, Samuel Jackson que padecía de Osteogenesis Imperfecta, enfermedad genética que hace que sean personas con huesos muy frágiles, que se rompen al mínimo esfuerzo.
El primer paciente en realidad lo que me dijo es que solo se estaba realizando un chequeo de rutina porque el no recordaba haber estado enfermo nunca y además que en su familia nunca habían tenido un caso de cáncer, enfermedad que ya todos sabemos que no se libra nadie para poder decir que no tiene o haya tenido a alguien de su familia con esa onerosa carga familiar, sea este cercano o lejano.
La otra paciente era una simpática y afable abuelita, la cual con una sonrisa de complicidad, me confesó que se estaba chequeando por insistencia de los familiares, ya que ella a sus 74 años, nunca había estado enferma, ni siquiera de gripe. Como comprenderán , me interesó mucho su revelación, pero la cosa no se quedó ahí porque ella me dijo a continuación que ella no era nada comparada con su marido que tenía 84 años y al igual que ella, nunca se enfermaba y además vivía rodeado de jóvenes , con los cuales compartía actitudes y vivencias.
Me interesé mucho por el caso y le pedí que me presentara a su marido para hacerle algunas preguntas, ella dijo que así lo haría, pero lamentablemente, eso nunca se ha producido.
Casi siempre que los pacientes me han confesado que no se han enfermado casi nunca o que no visitan a los médicos, me pongo a temblar, esperando encontrar no uno, sino muchos problemas, porque generalmente es un asunto de descuido.
Por supuesto, los exámenes abdominales de la buena señora, al igual que el señor de la primera anécdota eran total y absolutamente normales.


This term, (unbreakable) in English Unbreakable, I use it because two different patients reminded me of it when questioning them before during a sonographic examination. Both made me remember the film whose protagonist Bruce Willis, did not get sick and did not fracture any bone, despite being the protagonist of events that would have crushed anyone else, that in contrast to the other protagonist, Samuel Jackson who suffered from Osteogenesis Imperfect, genetic disease that causes them to be people with very fragile bones, which break with minimal effort.
What the first patient actually told me is that he was only undergoing a routine checkup because he did not remember ever having been ill and also that his family had never had a case of cancer, a disease that we all know cannot be spared No one to be able to say that he does not have or has had someone in his family with that burdensome family burden, be it near or far.
The other patient was a nice and affable grandmother who, with a knowing smile, confessed to me that she was getting checked at the insistence of her relatives since at 74 she had never been ill, not even with the flu. As you will understand, I was very interested in her revelation, but the thing did not stop there because she then told me that she was nothing compared to her husband who was 84 years old and like her, he never got sick and also lived surrounded by young people, with whom he shared attitudes and experiences.
I became very interested in the case and asked her to introduce me to her husband to ask him some questions, she said she would, but sadly, that has never happened.
Almost always when patients have confessed to me that they have hardly ever gotten sick or that they do not visit doctors, I start to tremble, expecting to find not one, but many problems, because it is generally a matter of carelessness.
Of course, the abdominal exams of the good lady, like the gentleman in the first anecdote, were totally and absolutely normal.

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