Retiro Productivo

La ley que obliga al retiro a los 65 años de edad tiene sus bemoles. Lo afirmo porque a lo largo de mi vida profesional me ha tocado ver retirarse a colegas en plenitud de forma intelectual. Otros han tenido que retirarse antes de esa edad por motivo de evidente deterioro de sus capacidades físicas e intelectuales. En todo caso, pienso que lo mejor sería un retiro voluntario, no impuesto.
Acabo de asistir a la presentación al staff medico de un reputado centro cardiológico , donde laboro, de un eminente medico neuro-radiólogo intervencionista alemán que, por motivos legales tiene que retirarse de toda actividad en su país natal y ha decidido instalarse acá y traernos todo el caudal de sus conocimientos adquiridos a los largo de una fructífera vida profesional. Fue mentor de un alumno dominicano en un Instituto alemán de su propiedad y ha sido recibido con los brazos abiertos tanto en el centro antes mencionado como en otro centro de gran cobertura medica de este país. Para beneplácito de todos ya compró apartamento y un consultorio en una torre de especialidades medicas próxima a construirse.

La pregunta es : Quién pierde ?
Quien gana?

Lo chistoso fue explicarle al eminente colega que, en Republica Dominicana lo médicos no se retiran -Hay que matarlos- Evidentemente no entendió el chiste ya que entiende poco de Castellano y en Inglés es difícil que un chiste así haga gracia

Productive Retirement

The law that requires retirement at 65 years of age has its flats. I affirm this because throughout my professional life I have had to see colleagues retire in a full intellectual way. Others have had to retire before that age because of evident deterioration of their physical and intellectual capacities. In any case, I think the best thing would be a voluntary retirement, not a tax one.
I have just attended the presentation to the medical staff of a reputed cardiology center, where I work, of an eminent German interventional neuro-radiologist doctor who, for legal reasons, has to withdraw from all activity in his native country and has decided to settle here and bring us everything the wealth of his knowledge acquired throughout a fruitful professional life. He was the mentor of a Dominican student in a German institute of his property and has been received with open arms both in the aforementioned center and in another center with great medical coverage in this country. To everyone's approval, he has already bought an apartment and an office in a tower of medical specialties that are about to be built.

The question is: Who loses?
Who wins?

The funny thing was to explain to the eminent colleague that, in the Dominican Republic the doctors do not retire -You have to kill them- Obviously he did not understand the joke since he understands little Spanish and in English, it is difficult for a joke like that to be funny

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