Vejiga de Lucha

Paciente femenina de 56 años de edad con amenorrea post-quirurgica ( Histerectomia total ) por prolapso uterino severo tras once (11 ) embarazos.
Presenta hematuria y disuria tras serle instalada una sonda de Foley.
Al examen sonográfico tanto vía trans-abdominal como trans-vaginal apreciamos una vejiga que muestra engrosamiento de las paredes vesicales ( 20 mm de grosor ). En su interior no se aprecian cálculos , pólipos o ureteroceles.
El engrosamiento de la pared vesical ,sobre todo tras el trauma del sondaje vesical, sugiere vejiga de lucha, la cual causa molestias dolorosas en hipogastrio, disuria y en ocasiones, hematuria

Bladder of Fight

Feminine patient of 56 years of age with post-surgical amenorrhoea (total Histerectomia) by severe uterine prolapse after eleven (11) pregnancies. She presents/displays hematuria and dysuria after him being installed a Foley catheter. To the sonography examination as much trans-abdominal route with trans-vaginal we appreciated a bladder that shows thickening of the vesical walls (20 mm in thickness). In their interior calculous are not appraised, polyps or ureteroceles. The thickening of the vesical wall, mainly after the trauma of the vesical catheterization, suggests fight bladder, which causes painful annoyances in the hypogastric region, dysuria, and sometimes, hematuria.

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