Pólipo Vs Endometrioma Vesical
Femenina 56 años de edad con historia de histerectomia total por miomatosis uterina y ooforectomía bilateral por endometriomas. Se presenta por dolores pelvicos severos y sangrados transvaginales durante el examen ginecológico. El examen sonografico abdominal muestra una hidronefrosis izquierda grado II, sin evidencias sonograficas de litiasis. El examen de vejiga muestra presencia de masa solida de base ancha , con bordes libres regulares que crece hacia la luz vesical, mide aprox 6,09 X 5,49 X 4,16 cm. Muestra ligero aumento del flujo vascular al examen con Doppler Color.No se detectaron calculos intravesicales. Se diagnostica como pólipo intravesical de base ancha pero el médico tratante ( ginecólogo) opina que debido al antecedente inmediato de la paciente, se trata de un endometrioma vesical, entidad bastante rara. Estamos a la espera de un TAC para proceder a intervenir a la paciente. El TAC mostró masa pelvica. Se indicó exploración cistoscópica la cual mostró imposibilidad de penetrar a vejiga por presencia de masa pelvica.Bajo anestesia general se explora a la paciente y se visualiza masa pelvica que sangra al menor contacto, se realiza biopsia dando como resultado que la masa pelvica es un cáncer epidermoide pobremente diferenciado, entidad nosológica bastante rara, aproximadamente el 1-2% de los cánceres ginecológicos. En el 90% de los casos es un carcinoma epidermoide.
Endometriosis Vesical: Diagnostico y Tratamiento
Carcinoma Primario de Vagina
Cancer de Vagina
Carcinoma epidermoide no queratinizante de células grandes y pequeñas en vagina
Cáncer primario de vagina
A 56-year-old female with a history of a total hysterectomy for uterine fibroids and bilateral oophorectomy for endometriomas. It comes from severe pelvic pain and bleeding during a transvaginal gynecological exam. An abdominal sonographic examination shows a left hydronephrosis grade II without sonographic evidence of urolithiasis. Bladder examination shows the presence of broad-based solid mass, with regular free edges growing to the bladder lumen, measures approx 6.09 X 5.49 X 4.16 cm. Shows a slight increase in vascular flow Doppler examination with Color Doppler. No calculations were detected. It is diagnosed as intravesical broad-based polyp but the attending physician (gynecologist) believes that due to the immediate history of the patient, it is a bladder endometrioma, quite a rare entity. We are waiting for a TAC to proceed to step to the patient. The TAC scan showed a pelvic mass. A cystoscopic examination that showed an inability to penetrate the bladder presence of mass pelvic is scanned. Under general anesthesia and the patient bleeds pelvic mass is displayed at a touch indicated, a biopsy is performed resulting in the pelvic mass is cancer poorly differentiated squamous quite rare disease entity, about 1-2 % of gynecologic cancers. In 90% of cases is an epidermoid carcinoma.
Carcinoma Primario de Vagina
Cancer de Vagina
Carcinoma epidermoide no queratinizante de células grandes y pequeñas en vagina
Cáncer primario de vagina
Bladder Polyp Vs Endometrioma
A 56-year-old female with a history of a total hysterectomy for uterine fibroids and bilateral oophorectomy for endometriomas. It comes from severe pelvic pain and bleeding during a transvaginal gynecological exam. An abdominal sonographic examination shows a left hydronephrosis grade II without sonographic evidence of urolithiasis. Bladder examination shows the presence of broad-based solid mass, with regular free edges growing to the bladder lumen, measures approx 6.09 X 5.49 X 4.16 cm. Shows a slight increase in vascular flow Doppler examination with Color Doppler. No calculations were detected. It is diagnosed as intravesical broad-based polyp but the attending physician (gynecologist) believes that due to the immediate history of the patient, it is a bladder endometrioma, quite a rare entity. We are waiting for a TAC to proceed to step to the patient. The TAC scan showed a pelvic mass. A cystoscopic examination that showed an inability to penetrate the bladder presence of mass pelvic is scanned. Under general anesthesia and the patient bleeds pelvic mass is displayed at a touch indicated, a biopsy is performed resulting in the pelvic mass is cancer poorly differentiated squamous quite rare disease entity, about 1-2 % of gynecologic cancers. In 90% of cases is an epidermoid carcinoma.