Cistitis Hemorragica Aguda

Femenina 07 años edad que tras ingerir muchos refrescos embotellados el día previo ha presentado intensos dolores pelvicos y hematuria macroscópica. No ha presentado fiebre. El examen de ambos riñones es normal. La vejiga muestra un engrosamiento parietal de 8,7 mm ( normal hasta 3.0 mm ). En el interior de la vejiga se visualizan filamentos de fibrina en suspensión y presencia de masa ecogena, de limites regulares que se corresponde con coagulo intravesical. El final del uréter izquierdo ( meato) protuye hacia la luz vesical y se aprecia marcadamente hiperecogénico. Se concluye con el diagnostico de Cistitis Hemorragica Aguda.

Acute Hemorrhagic Cystitis

Female 7 years old who after ingesting many bottled soft drinks the previous day has presented intense pelvic pain and macroscopic hematuria. She has not had a fever. The examination of both kidneys is normal. The bladder shows a parietal thickening of 8.7 mm (normal to 3.0 mm). In the interior of the bladder fibrin filaments are present in suspension and presence of echogenic mass, of regular limits that correspond with intravesical coagulum. The end of the left ureter ( meatus) protrudes into the bladder and is markedly hyperechogenic. It concludes with the diagnosis of Acute Hemorrhagic Cystitis.

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