El 3 es un Numero Clave !!!
Este post va dirigido mayormente a los colegas ecosonografistas. El numero 3 emerge como una medida clave para resolver muchas situaciones que se dan durante un examen sonografico, veamos porque afirmamos esto:
Medida normal del istmo Tiroideo: Hasta 3 mm,
Medida normal de la pared anterior de la Vesícula:
Hasta 3 mm,
Medida normal de la pared anterior de la Vejiga:
Hasta 3 mm,
Medida normal del calibre de Aorta Abdominal:
Hasta 3 cm,
Media normal del calibre de la vena Cava Inferior:
Hasta 3 cm,
Medida normal de la Translucencia Nucal :
Hasta 3 mm,
Medida normal de los Conductos Galactoforos:
Hasta 3 mm,
Medida normal de las venas del Plexo Pampiniforme Testicular:
Hasta 3 mm,
Hasta 3 mm,
Medida normal del calibre de Aorta Abdominal:
Hasta 3 cm,
Media normal del calibre de la vena Cava Inferior:
Hasta 3 cm,
Medida normal de la Translucencia Nucal :
Hasta 3 mm,
Medida normal de los Conductos Galactoforos:
Hasta 3 mm,
Medida normal de las venas del Plexo Pampiniforme Testicular:
Hasta 3 mm,
Medida normal de los ovarios:
Hasta 3 cm,
Medida normal del Saco de York o Membrana Vitelina:
Hasta 3 mm,
Hasta 3 cm,
Medida normal del Saco de York o Membrana Vitelina:
Hasta 3 mm,
Medida normal de la fascia plantar :
Hasta 3 mm,
Hasta 3 mm,
Como se ve son múltiples situaciones y / o estructuras anatómicas que tienen en común un 3 como medida standard de normalidad, por tanto, solo hay que recordar este numero , el 3, para estar asegurando un diagnostico seguro si esa medida se encuentra por encima de la susodicha cifra mágica: el 3.
Ténganlo presente siempre: el 3 es la clave para el diagnostico de muchas afecciones que encontraremos en nuestros exámenes sonograficos de las distintas estructuras anatómicas que examinamos a diario.
This post is aimed mostly at sonographic colleagues. The number 3 emerges as a key measure to solve many situations that occur during a sonographic examination, let's see why we affirm this:
Normal measurement of the Thyroid isthmus: Up to 3 mm,
Normal measurement of the anterior wall of the Vesicle:
Up to 3 mm,
Normal measurement of the anterior wall of the Bladder:
Up to 3 mm,
Normal measurement of the caliber of Abdominal Aorta:
Up to 3 cm,
The normal average caliber of inferior vena cava:
Up to 3 cm,
Normal measurement of the Nuchal Translucency:
Up to 3 mm,
Normal measurement of Galactoforos Conduits:
Up to 3 mm,
Normal measurement of the veins of the Patelliniform Plexus Testicular:
Up to 3 mm,
Normal measurement of the ovaries:
Up to 3 cm,
Normal measurement of the York Sack or Vitelina Membrane:
Up to 3 mm,
Normal measurement of the plantar fascia:
Up to 3 mm,
As you can see there are multiple situations and/or anatomical structures that have a 3 as a standard measure of normality, therefore, you only have to remember this number, 3, to ensure a safe diagnosis if that measure is above the aforementioned magic figure: the 3.
Keep it in mind: the 3 is the key to the diagnosis of many conditions that we will find in our sonographic examinations of the different anatomical structures that we examine every day.
The 3 is a Key Number !!!
This post is aimed mostly at sonographic colleagues. The number 3 emerges as a key measure to solve many situations that occur during a sonographic examination, let's see why we affirm this:
Normal measurement of the Thyroid isthmus: Up to 3 mm,
Normal measurement of the anterior wall of the Vesicle:
Up to 3 mm,
Normal measurement of the anterior wall of the Bladder:
Up to 3 mm,
Normal measurement of the caliber of Abdominal Aorta:
Up to 3 cm,
The normal average caliber of inferior vena cava:
Up to 3 cm,
Normal measurement of the Nuchal Translucency:
Up to 3 mm,
Normal measurement of Galactoforos Conduits:
Up to 3 mm,
Normal measurement of the veins of the Patelliniform Plexus Testicular:
Up to 3 mm,
Normal measurement of the ovaries:
Up to 3 cm,
Normal measurement of the York Sack or Vitelina Membrane:
Up to 3 mm,
Normal measurement of the plantar fascia:
Up to 3 mm,
As you can see there are multiple situations and/or anatomical structures that have a 3 as a standard measure of normality, therefore, you only have to remember this number, 3, to ensure a safe diagnosis if that measure is above the aforementioned magic figure: the 3.
Keep it in mind: the 3 is the key to the diagnosis of many conditions that we will find in our sonographic examinations of the different anatomical structures that we examine every day.