Lineas B en el COVID19

Masculino 53 años edad, de etnia china, ingresado en cuidados intensivos especiales para paciente de COVID19. Se le requirio sonografia abdominal. Al realizar esta solo se detecta pequeña imagen an-ecogena, quistica, en riñon derecho, el resto del examen sonografico abdominal es normal. Se amplia el examen realizando sonografia pulmonar debido a la situacion de paciente diagnosticado con COVID 19 y que esta intubado y sedado dada su situacion clinica.El examen sonografico pulmonar muestra que ambas pleuras lucen de contornos difusos,irregulares y con cierto grado de inestabilidad con los movimientos respiratorios. En pulmon derecho se aprecian algunas lineas B confluentes las cuales se hacen muy marcadas en el pulmon izquierdo lo cual es compatible con los daños pulmonares que produce el COVID 19 segun ha sido reportado internacionalmente en los casos de COVID 19 estudiados con este metodo diagnostico. Este caso ilustra perfectamente la utilidad de la sonografia en estas situaciones lo cual hace mas asequible el diagnostico y el control evolutivo de esta afeccion independientemente de la ubicacion del paciente ya que puede ser realizado en la misma habitacion del paciente, sin tener que movilizar a este, evitando los riesgos inherentes a su traslado intrahospitalario que conlleva riesgos de contaminar areas dentro de los centros . Este paciente ,lamentablemente, fallecio unos dias antes de la publicacion de este post.

Lines B at COVID19

A 53-year-old male of Chinese ethnicity, admitted to special intensive care for a  patient COVID 19. An abdominal sonography was required. When performing this, only a small cystic an-echogenic image is detected in the right kidney, the rest of the abdominal sonographic examination is normal. The examination was extended by performing pulmonary sonography due to the situation of the patient diagnosed with COVID 19 and who was intubated and sedated given his clinical situation. The pulmonary sonography examination showed that both pleurae had diffuse, irregular contours and with a certain degree of instability with the respiratory movements. In the right lung there are some confluent B lines which become very marked in the left lung, which is compatible with the lung damage caused by COVID 19, as has been reported internationally in the cases of COVID 19 studied with this diagnostic method. This case perfectly illustrates the usefulness of sonography in these situations, which makes the diagnosis and evolutionary control of this condition more affordable regardless of the location of the patient since it can be performed in the patient's own room, without having to mobilize the patient avoiding the risks inherent in their in-hospital transfer that entails risks of contaminating areas within the centers.This patient, unfortunately, died a few days before the publication of this post.


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