Nódulo Solido Axilar

 Femenina 48 años de edad que presenta masa dolorosa en region axilar derecha. Hace 6 meses se le realizó una mamografia y una sonomamografia que se reportaron como normales. Desde hace 2 semanas presenta una masa que es dolorosa, se le indicó tratamiento antibiótico con lo cual mejoró el dolor. El examen sonografico con transductor lineal de 10.0 MHz muestra imagen nodular, sólida, con limites irregulares por presencia de dos prolongaciones que deforman la imagen, mide aprox: 3.50 X 2.65 X 3.90 cm. No muestra refuerzo ecogenico posterior. Se localiza a nivel del tejido celular subcutáneo. El Doppler Color es negativo y la Elastografia score 3 de Ueno y Strain Ratio de 0.31 compatible con lesión benigna. No se detectaron adenomegalias regionales. El examen sonografico de la mama resultó negativo para cualquier tipo de lesión sonograficamente detectable. Se concluye con el diagnostico de nódulo sólido axilar de etiologia a determinar.

Solid Axillary Nodule

A 48-year-old female with a painful mass in the right axillary region. She had a mammogram and a sonomamogram that were reported as normal 6 months ago. For 2 weeks she has presented a painful mass, she was indicated antibiotic treatment with which she improved the pain. The sonographic examination with a 10.0 MHz linear transducer shows a solid, nodular image with irregular limits due to the presence of two extensions that deform the image, measuring approx: 3.50 X 2.65 X 3.90 cm. There is no posterior echogenic enhancement. It is located at the level of the subcutaneous cellular tissue. Color Doppler is negative and Ueno Elastography scores 3 and Strain Ratio of 0.31 is compatible with a benign lesion. Regional lymph nodes were not detected. The sonographic examination of the breast was negative for any type of sonographically detectable lesion. It concludes with the diagnosis of a solid axillary nodule of etiology to be determined.


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