Divertículo Uretral 2 Casos Raros Consecutivos

1er Caso : Femenina 41 años con antecedente inmediato de operación cesárea hace poco tiempo. A partir de eso comenzó a notar un pequeño bulto en el interior de su vagina,en lado izquierdo,parte superior. En el examen fisico se detecta pequeño abultamiento,no doloroso a la palpación.Se realiza examen sonografico via trans-labial con transductor lineal de 10.0 MHz detectandose uretra con dilatación sacular en su pared que mide aprox: 0.57 X 0.29 cm.El eco-Doppler de la zona no demuestra alteración del flujo.Se concluye con el diagnóstico de Diverticulo Uretral.Debe hacerse el diagnostico diferencial con el quiste para-uretral como este caso visto por nosotros en el año 2011.

1st Case: 41-year-old female with an immediate history of cesarean section a short time ago. After that, she began to notice a small lump inside her vagina, on the left side, upper part of her. In the physical examination, a small bulge is detected, not painful on palpation. A trans-labial sonographic examination is performed with a 10.0 MHz linear transducer, detecting urethra with saccular dilation in its wall that measures approximately: 0.57 X 0.29 cm. The echo-Doppler of the area does not show flow alteration. It concludes with the diagnosis of Urethral Diverticulum.The differential diagnosis must be made with the paraurethral cyst like this case seen by us in 2011.

 2do  Caso: Femenina 29 años edad con molestias en área vaginal ,lado izquierdo.Las molestias aparecen durante los orgasmos como una sensación de "calambres"en la zona antes descrita. El examen sonografico de la zona,via translabial con transductor lineal de 10.0 MHz, muestra presencia de pequeña dilatación sacular de la uretra ,mide aprox: 0.38 X 0.22 cm.El eco-Doppler no muestra alteración del flujo.

2nd Case: 29-year-old female with discomfort in the vaginal area, left side. The discomfort appears during orgasms as a sensation of "cramps" in the area described above. The sonographic examination of the area, via translabial with a 10.0 MHz linear transducer, shows the presence of a small saccular dilatation of the urethra, measuring approximately: 0.38 X 0.22 cm. The echo-Doppler does not show flow alteration.

Note: The curious thing about these two cases is that apart from their rarity, they are two cases detected on consecutive days, which is why that unwritten rule in medicine of the "law of the series" is fulfilled.


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