Cáncer Mama con Adenomegalia Axilar Metastásica. Estudio Elastografico

Femenina 76 años de edad con presencia de masa dura, dolorosa en mama derecha. Según dice tiene unos dos meses que se la descubrió, pero no se muestra convincente en sus alegatos. Ha perdido 20 libras en los últimos cuatro meses. La exploración sonografica con transductor lineal de 10.0 MHz demuestra la presencia en radial 09 de la mama derecha de un nódulo solido hipo ecogénico, limites irregulares, mide aprox: 3.08 X 1.70 cm. Muestra flujo periférico al aplicar el Doppler Color. La Elastografia demuestra que presenta un ratio B/A mayor de 1 (1.35) lo cual es compatible con lesión maligna. La axila derecha muestra la presencia de nódulo hipo ecogénico compatible con adenomegalia axilar que mide aprox: 1.30 X 0.88 cm, muestra un aumento del flujo interno al aplicar el Doppler Color y con la Elastografia se demuestra un ratio B/A de 3.02 claramente maligno. Tras contacto con su médico tratante este confirmó que la biopsia demostró un Carcinoma Ductal infiltrante de la mama.

Breast Carcinoma with Metastatic Axillary Adenomegaly. Elastographic Study

A 76-year-old female with the presence of a hard, painful mass in the right breast. According to her, she says that it has been about two months since she discovered it, but she is not convincing in her allegations. She has lost 20 pounds in the last four months. Sonographic examination with a 10.0 MHz linear transducer demonstrates the presence of a solid hypo-echogenic nodule in radial 09 of the right breast, with irregular borders, measuring approximately: 3.08 X 1.70 cm. Shows peripheral flow when applying Color Doppler. Elastography shows that it presents a B/A ratio greater than 1 (1.35), which is compatible with a malignant lesion. The right armpit shows the presence of a hypo-echogenic nodule compatible with axillary adenomegaly that measures approximately: 1.30 X 0.88 cm, shows an increase in internal flow when applying Color Doppler and with Elastography a clearly malignant B/A ratio of 3.02 is demonstrated. After contact with her treating physician, he confirmed that the biopsy showed an infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma of the breast.

Nódulo Hipo ecogénico, limites irregulares

Ratio B/A nódulo mamario

Adenomegalia Axilar Derecha

Doppler Adenomegalia axilar

Elastografia con ratio B/A mayor de 1 (3.02)

Elastografia (Histograma) Nódulo Mama



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