Absceso Prostata

 Masculino de 69 años de edad, obeso, con diabetes mellitus tipo II en tratamiento con antidiabéticos orales. Ha tenido recientemente infección urinaria resistente a las terapias habituales. Presenta desde hace algún tiempo nicturia de 4-5 veces cada noche. El examen sonografico prostático vía transrectal con transductor de 6.5 MHz muestra una próstata agrandada que mide aprox: 6.21 X 4.96 X 4.70 cm con un peso estimado de 75.84 gramos que se corresponde con una hipertrofia prostática grado III. En el área central del lóbulo medio se aprecia imagen anecogena con forma de embudo y contenido liquido grumoso, paredes internas marcadamente irregulares, mide aprox: 2.42 X 2.49 X 1.51 cm con un volumen aprox: de 4.77 c.c. Se concluye con los diagnósticos de Hipertrofia prostática grado III y absceso prostático.

 Prostatic Abscess

69-year-old obese male with type II diabetes mellitus on treatment with oral antidiabetics. He has recently had a urinary tract infection that is resistant to standard therapies. For some time he has had nocturia 4-5 times a night. The transrectal prostate sonographic examination with a 6.5 MHz transducer shows an enlarged prostate that measures approximately: 6.21 In the central area of the middle lobe, a funnel-shaped anecogenous image with lumpy liquid content can be seen, markedly irregular internal walls, measuring approximately: 2.42 It concludes with the diagnoses of grade III prostatic hypertrophy and prostatic abscess.

En la consulta con la IA Copilot---->

Results of the prostate sonographic examination:

Enlarged prostate: The prostate measures approximately 6.21 cm x 4.96 cm x 4.70 cm and has an estimated weight of 75.84 grams. This corresponds to grade III prostatic hypertrophy.

The central area of the middle lobe: A funnel-shaped anechoic image with lumpy liquid content is observed. The internal walls are markedly irregular. Its dimensions are approximately 2.42 cm x 2.49 cm x 1.51 cm with an approximate volume of 4.77 c.c.


Grade III prostatic hypertrophy.

Prostatic abscess.

In summary, the patient presents with an enlarged prostate with features suggestive of grade III prostatic hypertrophy and a prostatic abscess. It is important to follow medical recommendations for the proper management of these conditions.


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