Mixoma Auricular

Paciente femenina 33 años de edad. Lleva varios años diagnosticada de Mixoma Auricular Izquierdo. Tiene miedo de operarse. Mientras tiene muchos sofocos, disnea de mínimo esfuerzo, le han prohibido tener relaciones sexuales. Un cirujano ??? le dijo que podía desaparecer de modo espontáneo ???.Ha tomado Bija y jugo de remolacha, para ver que pasa...…Como sigue empeorando se ha decidido a operarse. Durante el examen, en tiempo real, se aprecia la masa mixomatosa que ocupa casi la totalidad del espacio auricular y durante la contracción de ésta " intenta " pasar al través de la válvula mitral, produciendo una " estenosis dinámica" severa que explica la sintomatologia de la paciente.

Atrial Myxoma

33-year-old female patient. She has been diagnosed with Left Atrial Myxoma for several years. She is afraid of having surgery. While she has many hot flashes, she has dyspnea on minimal exertion, she has been forbidden to have sex. A surgeon ??? She told him that she could disappear spontaneously ???. She has taken Bija and beet juice, to see what happens ... ... As she continues to get worse she has decided to have surgery. During the examination, in real-time, the myxomatous mass that occupies almost the entire atrial space is appreciated and during the contraction of this it "tries" to pass through the mitral valve, producing a severe "dynamic stenosis" that explains the symptoms of the patient.

Mixoma Auricular Izquierdo
Video Mixoma Auricular
Video Mixoma Auricular 2

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