Todo se Justifica

El ser humano trata siempre de justificarse. Supongo es un mecanismo de defensa ante el resto.
Lean esto: Paciente masculino, 34 años de edad. Obrero .Alcoholismo severo. Con Hepatopatia crónica descompensada, con ascitis severa e insuficiencia renal crónica ( IRC). Su vesícula con paredes engrosadas e intensamente hiper-ecogenicas.

Justificación: En España bebía : porque hacía mucho frío ( era obrero de la construcción)

En República Dominicana bebe: Porque hace mucho calor.

Everything is justified

The human being always tries to justify himself. I suppose it is a defense mechanism against the rest.
Read this: Male patient, 34 years old. Worker Severe alcoholism. With decompensated chronic liver disease, with severe ascites and chronic kidney failure (CRF). His gallbladder with thickened and intensely hyper-echogenic walls.

Justification: In Spain, he drank: because it was very cold (he was a construction worker)

In the Dominican Republic drink: Because it is very hot.

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