Quiste Pilonidal
Femenina 34 años edad con historia de lesión supurativa intermitente inmediatamente a la derecha del pliegue inter- glúteo. La historia se remonta a 3 años cuando fue diagnosticada/ tratada como una picadura de insecto desconocido. Desde entonces desarrolla periodos de supuración de tipo purulento en la zona donde se visualiza pequeña excrecencia . El examen sonografico muestra imagen an-ecogena en forma de Y mayúscula que con paredes ligeramente anfractuosas de aprecia desde la profundidad del tejido celular subcutáneo de la zona se abre en las cercanías de la piel. Su contenido es liquido con grumos, muestra pobre refuerzo ecogenico posterior, mide aprox: 2,07 X 1.84 X 1.42 cm, volumen aprox: 2.07 c.c. El Doppler Color no muestra aumento del flujo vascular en la zona y la Elastografia demuestra un patrón con Score 2 de Ueno. Se concluye con el diagnostico de quiste Pilonidal ( nido de pelo ) o fistula sacro-coxigea.
Female 34 years of age with a history of suppurative intermittent injury immediately to the right of the intergluteal fold. The story goes back to 3 years when it was diagnosed/treated as an unknown insect bite. Since then it develops periods of suppuration of purulent type in the area where small excrescence is visualized. The sonographic examination shows an anechogenic image in the form of a capital Y which with slightly anfractuous walls of appreciation from the depth of the subcutaneous cellular tissue of the area opens in the vicinity of the skin. Its content is liquid with lumps, shows poor posterior echogenic reinforcement, measures approx: 2.07 X 1.84 X 1.42 cm, volume approx: 2.07 c.c. Color Doppler does not show increased vascular flow in the area and the Elastography demonstrates a pattern with Ueno's Score 2. It concludes with the diagnosis of Pilonidal cyst (hair nests) or Sacro-coxigea fistula.
Pilonidal Cyst
Female 34 years of age with a history of suppurative intermittent injury immediately to the right of the intergluteal fold. The story goes back to 3 years when it was diagnosed/treated as an unknown insect bite. Since then it develops periods of suppuration of purulent type in the area where small excrescence is visualized. The sonographic examination shows an anechogenic image in the form of a capital Y which with slightly anfractuous walls of appreciation from the depth of the subcutaneous cellular tissue of the area opens in the vicinity of the skin. Its content is liquid with lumps, shows poor posterior echogenic reinforcement, measures approx: 2.07 X 1.84 X 1.42 cm, volume approx: 2.07 c.c. Color Doppler does not show increased vascular flow in the area and the Elastography demonstrates a pattern with Ueno's Score 2. It concludes with the diagnosis of Pilonidal cyst (hair nests) or Sacro-coxigea fistula.