Tumor Extratesticular & Absceso Bolsa Escrotal

 Masculino 18 años edad tiene dos meses con dolor en testículo derecho con aumento del tamaño de este,desde hace dos semanas comenzo la misma sintomatologia en el lado izquierdo.El examen sonografico testicular con transductor linear de 10.0 MHz muestra testículo derecho con ecogenicidad y homogeneidad normales,mide aprox: 2.8 X 1.60 cm.El epididimo luce sonograficamente normal. En area para-testicular se aprecia masa sólida,hipoecogenica,heterogenea con limites regulares,mide aprox: 2.37 X 1.37 cm,es eco-Doppler negativa y la Elastografia muestra score 2 de Ueno con strain ratio de 0.76,sugestiva,por tanto,de lesion benigna.La bolsa escrotal luce engrosada,mide aprox: 9.5 mm y muestra contenido liquido con grumos finos tipo purulento que flocula y recorre buena parte del campo visual sonografico mientras dura el examen.El testículo izquierdo muestra ecogenicidad y homogeneidad normales,mide aprox: 2.47 X 1.34 cm.El epididimo luce normal.Por fuera del testiculo que aprecia masa solida,hipoecogenica,mide aprox: 1.87 X 1.50 cm,muestra eco-Doppler normal y la Elastografia patrón de color con score 2 de Ueno y strain ratio de 1.04 sugestivo de lesión benigna.Se concluye con los diagnósticos de tumor sólido,extratesticular,lado izquierdo y absceso escrotal derecho con engrosamiento de bolsa homolateral.

Extratesticular Tumor & Scrotal Bag Abscess

Male 18 years old have two months with pain in the right testicle with an increase in its size, for two weeks the same symptoms began on the left side. The testicular sonographic examination with a 10.0 MHz linear transducer shows the right testicle with normal echogenicity and homogeneity Measures approx: 2.8 X 1.60 cm The epididymis looks sonographically normal. In the para-testicular area, a solid, hypoechoic, heterogeneous mass with regular limits is appreciated, it measures approx: 2.37 X 1.37 cm, it is negative echo-Doppler and the Elastography shows an Ueno score of 2 with a strain ratio of 0.76, suggestive, therefore, of Benign lesion. The scrotal bag appears thickened, measures approx: 9.5 mm and shows liquid content with fine purulent-like lumps that flocculate and travel a good part of the sonographic visual field for the duration of the examination. The left testicle shows normal echogenicity and homogeneity, measures approx: 2.47 x 1.34 cm, the epididymis looks normal, outside the testicle showing a solid, hypoechogenic mass, measures approx: 1.87 x 1.50 cm, a normal echo-Doppler sample and standard Elastography color with Ueno score 2 and strain ratio of 1.04 suggestive of a benign lesion. It concludes with solid tumor diagnoses, extratesticular, left side, and right scrotal abscess with ipsilateral bursa thickening.


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