Cancer Mama

 Femenina 51 años de edad con antecedentes familiares de hija fallecida por cancer de mama hace 1 año.Precisamente hace un año se le realizo sonografia y mamografia mamarias que fueron reportadas como normales.En el examen actual se visualizan dos nodulos solidos,marcadamente hipoecogenicos y con limites muy irregulares. El nodulo mayor ,localizado en radial 03,mide aprox: 0.79 X 2.46 cm muestra predominio de la altura sobre la anchura y microcalcificaciones internas con aumento del flujo vascular interno al aplicar el Doppler Color,la Elastografia Shell muestra una mediana de 0.65 compatible con lesion altamente sospechosa de malignidad. El otro nodulo,localizado en radial 09 mide aprox: 0.97 X 0.86 cm muestra igualmente flujo vascular interno al Doppler Color y la Elastografia Shell es de 0.95, altamente sospechoso tambien. Adicionalmente, se aprecian lesiones microquisticas en ambas mamas.La mamografia solo reporto micro-nodulos mamarios ?. Se le realizo biopsia mamaria que demostro Cancer Ductal infiltrante mamario estadio III.

Breast Cancer

A 51-year-old female with a family history of a daughter who died of breast cancer 1 year ago. Precisely one year ago, breast sonography and mammography were performed, which were reported as normal. In the current examination, two solid nodules are visualized, markedly hypoechogenic and with very irregular limits. The largest nodule, located in radial 03, measures approx: 0.79 X 2.46 cm, shows a predominance of height over width and internal microcalcifications with the increased internal vascular flow when applying Color Doppler, Shell Elastography shows a median of 0.65 compatible with injury highly suspicious for malignancy. The other nodule, located in radial 09, measures approx: 0.97 X 0.86 cm, it also shows internal vascular flow on Color Doppler and the Shell Elastography is 0.95, highly suspicious as well. Additionally, microcystic lesions can be seen in both breasts. The mammography only reported mammary micro-nodules ? . A breast biopsy was performed that revealed stage III infiltrating ductal cancer of the breast.


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