Lesion Manguito Rotador

Las lesiones del manguito rotador son frecuentes en deportistas, sobre todo en lanzadores de Béisbol. Lo habitual es la rotura fibrilar de una pequeña porción del tendón que produce dolor e incapacidad para los movimientos normales del hombro, sobre todo para la elevación de éste.
Este caso es el de una paciente femenina de 55 años de edad jugadora ( con mucha afición ) de bolos. Mostraba dolor en el hombro desde hacía varios meses, pero continuó jugando porque esa es su única cosa para "botar " el golpe e impedir que el stress se apodere de ella. Su mayor queja era que se aproximaba un torneo y con la lesión ella iba a quedar fuera.
En las dos imágenes que presentamos vemos área hiper-ecogenica ( calcificación) en las dos proyecciones Axial y transversal. El Doppler Color no fue de gran ayuda al tratarse de una lesión crónica por lo que el flujo de sangre al área resultó normal. El examen debe realizarse con transductor linear

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Rotator Cuff Injury

Rotator cuff injuries are common in athletes, especially baseball pitchers. The usual thing is the fibrillar rupture of a small portion of the tendon that causes pain and inability for normal movements of the shoulder, especially for the elevation of the shoulder.
This case is that of a 55-year-old female bowler (very fond of). She had shown pain in her shoulder for several months, but she continued to play because that is the only thing about her to "bounce" the blow and prevent stress from taking over her. Her biggest complaint was that a tournament was coming up and with her injury, she was going to be out of it.
In the two images that we present, we see a hyper-echogenic area (calcification) in both Axial and transverse projections. The Color Doppler was not of great help as it was a chronic injury, so the blood flow to the area was normal. The examination must be performed with a linear transducer

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Rotator cuff injuries are common in athletes, particularly baseball pitchers. This case is that of a female patient aged 55 players (with much enthusiasm) bowling. His biggest complaint was that it was approaching a tournament with the injury and she would be out. The images that we present hyper-area echogenic (calcification)

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