Quiste Tabicado Riñon

Caso de quiste renal tabicado, gigante de riñón derecho en paciente masculino de 70 años de edad. Curiosamente vino con diagnostico de pequeño quiste renal izquierdo. El contenido liquido del quiste es de 832.61 c.c. Habitualmente estas lesiones son de carácter hereditario, no suelen causar síntomas y la conducta adecuada es expectante, ya que no suelen ser peligrosas. Anteriormente se les operaba, posteriormente se le puncionaba y en la actualidad lo que se hace es vigilar.

Kidney Septal Cyst

Case of a giant septate renal cyst of the right kidney in a 70-year-old male patient. Curiously, he came with a diagnosis of a small left kidney cyst. The liquid content of the cyst is 832.61 c.c. These injuries are usually hereditary in nature, they do not usually cause symptoms and the appropriate behavior is expectant since they are not usually dangerous. Previously they were operated on, later they were punctured and now what is done is to monitor.

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