Absceso Pelvico en Hombre
Paciente masculino, 59 años de edad. Curiosamente este caso siguió un sentido inverso en la evolución y conclusión diagnostica. El técnico de la Tomografía Axial Computadorizada ( TAC ) se acercó a mi para que viera una imagen acabada de realizar a este paciente y que el sospechaba se trataba de un absceso pelvico. Efectivamente , estuve de acuerdo con su apreciación y luego confirmé eso con la sonografia realizada inmediatamente después. Se trata de paciente sometido hace nueve meses a prostatectomía robótica en Estados Unidos por carcinoma prostatico. Posteriormente se le realizaron 26 sesiones de radioterapia. Desde hace dos semanas presenta disuria, oliguria, fiebres altas con escalofríos. Entre otros antecedentes personales figura hipertensión arterial y la diabetes. El examen sonografico mostró, al igual que la tomografía un colección liquida con paredes engrosadas, anfractuosas, localizada en lado izquierdo de la vejiga, muestra un volumen aprox de 50,43 ml. El paciente fue tratado exitosamente con antibioticoterapia agresiva y dado de alta en estado satisfactorio.
Male patient, 59 years of age. Interestingly this case followed a reverse in the evolution and diagnosed conclusion. The technician Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT) approached me to see a finished making this patient and that the suspect was a pelvic abscess image. Indeed, I agreed with his assessment and then confirmed that sonography was performed immediately after. It is a patient undergoing nine months of robotic prostatectomy in the United States for prostatic carcinoma. Subsequently 26 radiotherapy sessions. For two weeks has dysuria, oliguria, high fever with chills. Other medical history included hypertension and diabetes. Sonographic examination showed the, as one fluid collection tomography with thickened walls anfractuous, located on the left side of the bladder, shows a volume of 50.43 ml approx. The patient was successfully treated with aggressive antibiotic therapy and discharged in satisfactory condition.
Pelvis Abscess in Man
Male patient, 59 years of age. Interestingly this case followed a reverse in the evolution and diagnosed conclusion. The technician Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT) approached me to see a finished making this patient and that the suspect was a pelvic abscess image. Indeed, I agreed with his assessment and then confirmed that sonography was performed immediately after. It is a patient undergoing nine months of robotic prostatectomy in the United States for prostatic carcinoma. Subsequently 26 radiotherapy sessions. For two weeks has dysuria, oliguria, high fever with chills. Other medical history included hypertension and diabetes. Sonographic examination showed the, as one fluid collection tomography with thickened walls anfractuous, located on the left side of the bladder, shows a volume of 50.43 ml approx. The patient was successfully treated with aggressive antibiotic therapy and discharged in satisfactory condition.