Pannus Sinovial
Paciente masculino con fracturas múltiples de tibia y peroné derechos hace 18 años. Posteriormente en otro accidente se lesionó la rodilla derecha. Dice que en la radiografía se le detectó presencia de cristales de ácido úrico. En la actualidad no puede apoyar la pierna y tiene que movilizarse con muletas. Al examen físico, la rodilla luce algo inflamada, con algo de dolor a la palpación y con aumento del calor local, sobre todo en cara interna. La exploración sonografica muestra edema en región suprapatelar e infrapatelar con presencia de pannus sinovial en cara interna y externa de la rodilla. El Doppler color muestra aumento significativo del flujo vascular en área suprapatelar. Se concluye con el diagnostico de Sinovitis crónica con presencia de edema y pannus sinovial .
Male patient with multiple fractures of the tibia and fibula rights 18 years ago. Later in another accident the right knee. He says the radiograph has detected the presence of uric acid crystals. Currently can not support the leg and has to move on crutches. On physical examination, the knee looks a little swollen, with some tenderness and increased local heat, especially in the inner side. The sonographic examination shows edema in the suprapatellar region and infrapatellar synovial pannus presence in the inner and outer side of the knee. Color Doppler shows a significant increase in vascular flow suprapatellar area. It concludes with the diagnosis of chronic synovitis with the presence of edema and synovial pannus.
Synovial Pannus
Male patient with multiple fractures of the tibia and fibula rights 18 years ago. Later in another accident the right knee. He says the radiograph has detected the presence of uric acid crystals. Currently can not support the leg and has to move on crutches. On physical examination, the knee looks a little swollen, with some tenderness and increased local heat, especially in the inner side. The sonographic examination shows edema in the suprapatellar region and infrapatellar synovial pannus presence in the inner and outer side of the knee. Color Doppler shows a significant increase in vascular flow suprapatellar area. It concludes with the diagnosis of chronic synovitis with the presence of edema and synovial pannus.