Nodulo Parotidas
Nódulo Parotidas
Femenina 52 años presenta masa de consistencia pétrea, no móvil, localizada debajo del ángulo de la mandíbula, lado izquierdo. Evolución de varios meses.
En la sonografia se aprecia nódulo hipo-ecogenico, bien delimitado, luce con cápsula.
Este post-muestra la gran capacidad de la sonografia para demostrar lesiones en casi cualquier sitio anatómico
Female 52 years present mass of stony consistency, not mobile, located below the angle of the mandible, left side. Evolucion for several months.
Sonography can be seen in the hypo-echogenic nodule, with looks well-defined capsule .
This post shows the great ability of sonography to demonstrate lesions in almost any anatomical site
Sonography can be seen in the hypo-echogenic nodule, with looks well-defined capsule .
This post shows the great ability of sonography to demonstrate lesions in almost any anatomical site