Metastasis Hepaticas
Paciente masculino de 55 años de edad que desde hace unos 45 dias comenzo a notar molestias dolorosas en hipocondrio derecho, niega otros sintomas. Es hipertenso y de antecedentes muestra cicatriz epigastrica medial hasta el ombligo por cirugia de ulcus duodenal hace 24 años.Ha perdido unas 18 libras desde el comienzo del proceso ( 8.1 kgs ).Tras el descubrimiento de metastasis generalizadas en higado por medio de una tomografia axial computerizada ( TAC ), se realiza una toma de biopsia sono-dirigida, en este caso participando el autor de estas lineas junto al gastroenterologo a cargo del caso.
Las siguientes imagenes son los hallazgos sonograficos de los nodulos hipoecogenicos generalizados por todo el organo, tras anestesia local se introduce cateter de biopsia y en las imagenes se aprecia la punta del cateter en el interior de uno de los nodulos.
Previo a esto se realizo radiografia , tomografia de torax , pelvis y una rectosigmoidoscopia ( pensando en metastasis de Adenocarcinoma de Colon , que es lo mas frecuente ), los resultados fueron todos normales, negativos para la busqueda de cancer primario.
En la analytics-
PSA total 1.16 ( normal 0-4 )
PCR ( + )
CEA 132.6 ng/ml ( 3 para no fumadores y entre 3-10 para fumadores )
CA 19-9- 7,35 ( normal entre 0 a 39 )
CA 125 - 614,9 ( normal entre 0 a 35 )
La muestra se envia a patologia.
Male patient aged 55 who for some 45 days began to feel pain right upper quadrant discomfort, denies other symptoms. He is hypertensive and background sample epigastric scar medial to the navel by surgery of duodenal ulcer for 24 años. He had lost about 18 pounds since the beginning of the process (8.1 kgs). After the discovery of widespread liver metastases using a ( TAC ), performing a biopsy sono-guided, in this case, involved the author of these lines by the gastroenterologist in charge of the case.
The following pictures are the sonographic findings of widespread hypoechogenic nodules throughout the body, after local anesthesia and biopsy catheter inserted in the images shows the catheter tip inside one of the nodules.
Prior to this radiography, tomography of chest, pelvis and a rectosigmoidoscopia (thinking of metastasis of colon adenocarcinoma, which is the most common), the results were all normal, negative for the search of primary cancer.,
PSA total 1.16 ( normal 0-4 )
PCR ( + )
CEA 132.6 ng/ml
CA 19-9- 7,35 ( normal 0 a 39 )
CA 125 - 614,9 ( normal 0 a 35 )
Liver Metastases
Male patient aged 55 who for some 45 days began to feel pain right upper quadrant discomfort, denies other symptoms. He is hypertensive and background sample epigastric scar medial to the navel by surgery of duodenal ulcer for 24 años. He had lost about 18 pounds since the beginning of the process (8.1 kgs). After the discovery of widespread liver metastases using a ( TAC ), performing a biopsy sono-guided, in this case, involved the author of these lines by the gastroenterologist in charge of the case.
The following pictures are the sonographic findings of widespread hypoechogenic nodules throughout the body, after local anesthesia and biopsy catheter inserted in the images shows the catheter tip inside one of the nodules.
Prior to this radiography, tomography of chest, pelvis and a rectosigmoidoscopia (thinking of metastasis of colon adenocarcinoma, which is the most common), the results were all normal, negative for the search of primary cancer.,
PSA total 1.16 ( normal 0-4 )
PCR ( + )
CEA 132.6 ng/ml
CA 19-9- 7,35 ( normal 0 a 39 )
CA 125 - 614,9 ( normal 0 a 35 )
Sonografia de las Metastasis Hepaticas
Sonografia de las Metastasis Hepaticas
Imagenes tomograficas de las Metastasis Hepaticas
Imagenes tomograficas de las Metastasis Hepaticas
Imagenes tomograficas de las Metastasis Hepaticas
Imagenes tomograficas de las Metastasis Hepaticas
Imagenes tomograficas de las Metastasis Hepaticas
Cateter Desechable para Biopsias