Calcificacion Uterina Heterotopica
Haciendo revisión de la literatura me encuentro con la sorpresa de que los casos de calcificación uterina heterotopica o metaplasia ósea endometrial, son raros, bastantes raros. Para mi fue una sorpresa relativa porque con cierta frecuencia me encuentro con casos que se corresponden con esta patología. Siempre los he relacionado fundamentalmente con abortos provocados o no, donde se han realizados curetajes.
Muestro aquí los dos casos mas recientes ( del 15 Diciembre 2009 y el otro del 27 Enero 2010 ) . La primera imagen corresponde a paciente de 36 años de edad Gesta 2 Partos 2, cuyo única sospecha correlacionable con esta patología es que usó por 10 años un Dispositivo Intrauterino ( DIU ).
Las tres imágenes siguientes corresponden a paciente de 56 años de edad, con amenorrea desde los 49 años , con ocho gestaciones ,cinco partos y tres abortos mediante curetajes.
Estas ultimas imágenes son bastantes explicitas ya que ponen de manifiesto la presencia de áreas intensamente hiper-ecogénicas, lineales unas y puntiformes otras ,ambas con sombras ecogénicas posteriores, por lo que son indudablemente de origen cálcico-oseas.
Uterine Heterotopic Calcification
Making a review of the literature I find with surprise that cases of heterotopic uterine calcification or metaplasia endometrial, are rare, very rare. For me, it was a relative surprise because quite often I come across cases that correspond to this condition. I've always associated primarily with induced abortions or not, but have made curettage.
I show here the two most recent cases (from 15 December 2009 and the other from January 27, 2010). The first image corresponds to patient 36 years of age Gesta 2 Part 2, whose only suspected to correlate with this disease is that for 10 years used an intrauterine device (IUD).
The three images below are a patient of 56 years of age with amenorrhea since age 49, with eight pregnancies, five births and three abortions by curettage.
These latest images are quite explicit as they reveal the presence of areas heavily hyper-echogenic linear and pinpoint some pray, both with echogenic shadows beyond, so they are undoubted of calcium-osseous origin.
I show here the two most recent cases (from 15 December 2009 and the other from January 27, 2010). The first image corresponds to patient 36 years of age Gesta 2 Part 2, whose only suspected to correlate with this disease is that for 10 years used an intrauterine device (IUD).
The three images below are a patient of 56 years of age with amenorrhea since age 49, with eight pregnancies, five births and three abortions by curettage.
These latest images are quite explicit as they reveal the presence of areas heavily hyper-echogenic linear and pinpoint some pray, both with echogenic shadows beyond, so they are undoubted of calcium-osseous origin.