Tras una otra
Paciente femenina de 66 años de edad que va a su medico por presentar tumoración dolorosa expontanea y a los movimientos en la articulación interfalangica distal del pulgar derecho.El medico le dice que se trata de un quiste y que tendría que operarla pero para eso necesita una evaluación cardiovascular ,sobre todo debido a su edad. Cuando el Cardiológo la examina le encuentra una alteración del ritmo cardíaco ( Bradicardia ), por lo cual le indica unos análisis y una exploración sonográfica del Tiroides. La sonografia del Tiroides muestra múltiples lesiones nodulares solidas en ambos lóbulos tiroideos , acompañados de algunos micro-quistes. Las imágenes sonograficas de esta entrega se corresponden con la lesión "quistica" de la falange distal del dedo pulgar derecho, donde se visualiza imagen an-ecogena, de contenido liquido,localizada en la articulación interfalangica del Pulgar, lo que se corresponde con Ganglion del Pulgar derecho. La lesión mide 1,2 X 1,0 X 0,4 cms.Esta lesion es similar a la anteriormente descrita por nosotros en la muñeca de una paciente ( ver ganglion quistico de la muñeca ).
A female patient, 66 years old who goes to his doctor for a tumor presenting as painful spontaneous movements in the distal interphalangeal joint of the right thumb. The doctor tells her it is a cyst and would have to operate but it requires an assessment of cardiovascular, primarily because of his age. When he examines the cardiologist is a disturbance of heart rhythm (bradycardia), so that tells you about analysis and sonographic examination of the thyroid.
Thyroid sonography showed multiple solid nodular lesions in both lobes, accompanied by a few micro-cysts.
The sonographic images in this issue relate to the injury "cystic" of the distal phalanx of the right thumb, where an image is displayed, echogenic, containing liquid, located in the interphalangeal joint of the thumb, which corresponds to right thumb ganglion. The lesion measures 1.2 X 1.0 X 0.4 cm. This lesson is similar to that previously described by us in the wrist of a patient (see ganglion cyst of the wrist).
After one thing.... the other
A female patient, 66 years old who goes to his doctor for a tumor presenting as painful spontaneous movements in the distal interphalangeal joint of the right thumb. The doctor tells her it is a cyst and would have to operate but it requires an assessment of cardiovascular, primarily because of his age. When he examines the cardiologist is a disturbance of heart rhythm (bradycardia), so that tells you about analysis and sonographic examination of the thyroid.
Thyroid sonography showed multiple solid nodular lesions in both lobes, accompanied by a few micro-cysts.
The sonographic images in this issue relate to the injury "cystic" of the distal phalanx of the right thumb, where an image is displayed, echogenic, containing liquid, located in the interphalangeal joint of the thumb, which corresponds to right thumb ganglion. The lesion measures 1.2 X 1.0 X 0.4 cm. This lesson is similar to that previously described by us in the wrist of a patient (see ganglion cyst of the wrist).