HBP & Diverticulos Vesicales
Paciente masculino 78 años de edad con historia de Hipertension Arterial Sistemica. Se queja de dificultad para el comienzo de la micción y nicturia, que el achaca a su tratamiento para la hipertension. Su antígeno Prostatico especifico ( PSA ) es de 4.1. Le han instalado sonda vesical de Foley en cuatro ocasiones diferentes ( por actos quirúrgicos y por retención urinaria ), refiere que estos sondajes nunca han sido traumaticos. Al examen sonografico encontramos un próstata aumentada de tamaño ( HBP grado II ), con nódulo que se proyecta hacia la luz vesical ( ver las tres ultimas fotos ). Llama la atención la presencia de cuatro diverticulos vesicales, dos a la derecha ( los de mayor tamaño ) y dos a la izquierda que son de menor tamaño, comunicándose todos de modo manifiesto con la vejiga , no se aprecia la presencia de cálculos vesicales que suelen ser frecuentes en estos casos ( ver caso nuestro publicado en nuestro blog ) .
Male patient 78 years old with a history of systemic arterial hypertension. She complains of difficulty at the beginning of urination and nocturia, which blames his treatment for hypertension. His prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is 4.1. I have installed Foley catheterization on four different occasions (for surgical instruments and urinary retention), which states that these polls have never been traumatic.
The sonographic examination found an enlarged prostate (BPH grade II) with a nodule projecting into the bladder lumen (see the last three photos). Particularly striking is the presence of four bladder diverticula, two on the right (the larger) and two on the left are smaller, providing all so clear to the bladder, it shows the presence of bladder stones often be frequent in these cases (see case we published in our blog).
BPH & Bladder Diverticula
Male patient 78 years old with a history of systemic arterial hypertension. She complains of difficulty at the beginning of urination and nocturia, which blames his treatment for hypertension. His prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is 4.1. I have installed Foley catheterization on four different occasions (for surgical instruments and urinary retention), which states that these polls have never been traumatic.
The sonographic examination found an enlarged prostate (BPH grade II) with a nodule projecting into the bladder lumen (see the last three photos). Particularly striking is the presence of four bladder diverticula, two on the right (the larger) and two on the left are smaller, providing all so clear to the bladder, it shows the presence of bladder stones often be frequent in these cases (see case we published in our blog).