Paciente femenina de 40 años de edad , operada de vesícula hace 11 días, a partir de lo cual ha presentado dolor exquisito en hipocondrio derecho, hasta tal punto que el roce del transductor le producía dolor, junto a esto escalofríos y fiebres altas. Al examen eco-sonografico abdominal encontramos área an-ecogena, de contenido liquido, con refuerzo posterior, irregular en su forma, localizada en el lecho vesicular, mide 3,4 x 2,8 x 3,0 cms con volumen de 14,9 c.c.. Se exploraron también los planos superficiales del hipocondrio derecho en y alrededor de la herida quirúrgica con transductor linear de 10.0 MHz para descartar la presencia de colecciones liquidas superficiales, el resultado fue negativo.-ver segunda foto-
Biloma subcapsular hepatico y....
Biloma Tardio Secundario ( ver PDF)
Female patient 40 years of age, gallbladder operated for 11 days, after which presented exquisite right upper quadrant pain, so much so that the friction of the transducer caused her pain, along with these chills and high fevers.
The eco-abdominal sonographic examination found an-echogenic area, containing liquid, with posterior enhancement, irregular in shape, located in the gallbladder bed, measures 3.4 x 2.8 x 3.0 cm with a volume of 14.9 ccs.
It also explored the surface planes of the right upper quadrant and around the surgical wound with a 10.0 MHz linear transducer for the presence of liquid surface collections, the result was the negative.-see second photo.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Intrahepatic BilomaBiloma subcapsular hepatico y....
Biloma Tardio Secundario ( ver PDF)
Female patient 40 years of age, gallbladder operated for 11 days, after which presented exquisite right upper quadrant pain, so much so that the friction of the transducer caused her pain, along with these chills and high fevers.
The eco-abdominal sonographic examination found an-echogenic area, containing liquid, with posterior enhancement, irregular in shape, located in the gallbladder bed, measures 3.4 x 2.8 x 3.0 cm with a volume of 14.9 ccs.
It also explored the surface planes of the right upper quadrant and around the surgical wound with a 10.0 MHz linear transducer for the presence of liquid surface collections, the result was the negative.-see second photo.