Hidrocele & Epididimitis
Paciente masculino de 21 años de edad ,operado hace 2 años de varicocele izquierdo. A partir de esa cirugía nunca se ha sentido bien, presenta molestias en testículo izquierdo y sensacion de "bultoma " en el área. Al examen eco-sonografico con transductor linear de 7,5 MHz se aprecia engrosamiento severo, edematoso de epididimo izquierdo , mide 14,5 mm de grosor ( foto # 1 ), en contraste, el epididimo derecho mide 5 mm. Se aprecia además presencia de contenido liquido ,con grumos finos en suspension, (hidrocele ) en bolsa escrotal izquierda ( ver 2da foto ).
Male patient, 21 years old, operated for 2 years of left varicocele. After that surgery has never felt right, of discomfort in left testicle and feeling of ¨scrotal mass ¨in the area.
The eco-sonographic examination with a 7.5 MHz linear transducer is seen severe thickening, edematous left epididymis, measures 14.5 mm thick ( photo 1 ), in contrast, the right epididymis is 5 mm. It also appreciated the presence of liquid content, with fine clumps in suspension ( hydrocele) in the left scrotum ( see photo 2 )
Epididymitis & Hydrocele
The eco-sonographic examination with a 7.5 MHz linear transducer is seen severe thickening, edematous left epididymis, measures 14.5 mm thick ( photo 1 ), in contrast, the right epididymis is 5 mm. It also appreciated the presence of liquid content, with fine clumps in suspension ( hydrocele) in the left scrotum ( see photo 2 )

Epididimo izquierdo edematoso

Hidrocele izquierdo