Migracion Insolita de Anillo Vaginal
Ciudadana china de 41 años de edad 3 gestaciones 2 partos 1 aborto. Remitida por su ginecóloga para localizar anillo vaginal instalado en el 2009 en China Continental. Al examen eco-sonografico pelvico , vía transvaginal, muestra imagen intensamente hiper-ecogenica de forma triangular, localizada en cavidad endometrial a nivel fundico.
Citizens of China aged 41 old, 03 pregnancies 02 deliveries 01 abortion. Referred by her gynecologist to find a vaginal ring installed in 2009 in Mainland China.
In the eco-sonographic pelvic examination, the transvaginal image shows an intensely hyper-echogenic triangular-shaped endometrial cavity located at the fundic, which corresponds to a vaginal ring that has migrated through the cervix into the endometrial cavity.
The uterus measures 9.5 x 6.2 x 5.9 cms. Sonographic looks normal ovaries. No sonographic signs of endometritis or pelvic inflammatory disease.
As of August 22, 2011, the patient was referred for pelvic double-check the situation from the standpoint of eco-sonographic being equal, these are the pictures taken are very similar to the first
El útero mide 9,5 x 6,2 x 5,9 cms. Los ovarios lucen sonograficamente normales. No hay signos sonograficos de endometritis o de enfermedad inflamatoria pelvica.
En fecha 22 agosto 2011 la paciente fue enviada para nuevo chequeo pelvico, la situación desde el punto de vista eco-sonografico sigue igual , estas son las imágenes tomadas que son muy similares a las primeras
En fecha 22 agosto 2011 la paciente fue enviada para nuevo chequeo pelvico, la situación desde el punto de vista eco-sonografico sigue igual , estas son las imágenes tomadas que son muy similares a las primeras
Unusual Vaginal Ring Migration
Citizens of China aged 41 old, 03 pregnancies 02 deliveries 01 abortion. Referred by her gynecologist to find a vaginal ring installed in 2009 in Mainland China.
In the eco-sonographic pelvic examination, the transvaginal image shows an intensely hyper-echogenic triangular-shaped endometrial cavity located at the fundic, which corresponds to a vaginal ring that has migrated through the cervix into the endometrial cavity.
The uterus measures 9.5 x 6.2 x 5.9 cms. Sonographic looks normal ovaries. No sonographic signs of endometritis or pelvic inflammatory disease.
As of August 22, 2011, the patient was referred for pelvic double-check the situation from the standpoint of eco-sonographic being equal, these are the pictures taken are very similar to the first