Absceso Supra Gluteo
Paciente femenina de 54 años de edad con antecedentes remotos ( 19 años ) de Histerectomia total bajo anestesia epidural y de accidente de trafico ( 15 años ) que con fractura de coxis que supuso un periodo de un año sin poder caminar, durante el cual en un momento determinado se le extrajo, mediante punción ciega una pequeña cantidad de sangre del área supra-glútea izquierda.
Viene a revisión de masa ligeramente fluctuante localizada en región supra glútea izquierda, al examen sonografico con transductor lineal de 7,5 MHz , se visualiza masa an-ecogena, con paredes internas ligeramente irregulares y con refuerzo ecogenico posterior, localizada muy cerca de la piel en región supra-glútea izquierda,presenta material ecogeno en su interior, muestra aspecto fusiforme y refuerzo ecogenico posterior, mide aprox: 5,7 x 1,3 x 1,4 cms, con volumen aprox: 5,8 ml.
Supra Gluteo Abscess
A female patient aged 54 with a remote history (19 years) of total hysterectomy under epidural and traffic accident (15 years), which represented coccyx fracture which was a period of one year without being able to walk, during which a given time was extracted by blind puncture a small amount of blood in the supra-gluteal area left.
The review comes to mass slightly above fluctuating gluteal region located in left, sonographic examination with 7.5 MHz linear transducers, displayed an-echogenic mass with slightly irregular internal walls and reinforced rear echogenic, located very close to the skin in the supra-gluteal region left, shows echogenic material inside shows fusiform posterior echogenic and reinforcement, measures approx: 5.7 x 1.3 x 1.4 cm, with approx volume: 5.8 ml.
The review comes to mass slightly above fluctuating gluteal region located in left, sonographic examination with 7.5 MHz linear transducers, displayed an-echogenic mass with slightly irregular internal walls and reinforced rear echogenic, located very close to the skin in the supra-gluteal region left, shows echogenic material inside shows fusiform posterior echogenic and reinforcement, measures approx: 5.7 x 1.3 x 1.4 cm, with approx volume: 5.8 ml.