Consolidacion Neumonica Diagnosticada por Sonografia
Paciente masculino de 3 años de edad, con proceso febril severo ( 39- 40 grados centigrados), nauseas, vómitos, tos productiva, dolor torácico, dolores abdominales cólicos, evacuaciones semi-liquidas en varias ocasiones, oliguria. El cuadro tiene una evolución de 5 días. Al examen físico paciente hipo-activo, en posición fetal, con roncus audibles sin el uso de instrumentos. La radiografia de tórax , realizada hace 2 días, reporta ocupación espacio aéreo en forma difusa con margenes mal definidos y con área de consolidación en relación a infiltrado alveolar con efusión pleural derecha ( sic ).
La analítica muestra:
Leucocitos---------39 ,ooo
Hemoglobina -----11,1 gramos
Neutrofilos---------82 %
Plaquetas-----------383 mil
Eritrosedimentacion---107 mm la primera hora
El examen sonografico abdominal mostró derrame pleural derecho con grumos, sugestivo de Empiema Pleural derecho
La analítica muestra:
Leucocitos---------39 ,ooo
Hemoglobina -----11,1 gramos
Neutrofilos---------82 %
Plaquetas-----------383 mil
Eritrosedimentacion---107 mm la primera hora
El examen sonografico abdominal mostró derrame pleural derecho con grumos, sugestivo de Empiema Pleural derecho
Se realiza exploración trans-toracica con transductor lineal, apreciándose área hipo-ecogenica, localiza en forma de banda de consolidación localizada en área sub-axilar del pulmón derecho. En lado contralateral el pulmón luce sonograficamente normal. Se realiza punción pleural, extrayéndose unos 35 c.c. de liquido que al llevarse a analizar reporta:

Pneumonic Consolidation Diagnosed by Sonography
Male patient, 3 years old with severe febrile illness (39 - 40 degrees Celsius), nausea, vomiting, productive cough, chest pain, abdominal cramps, semi-liquid stools on several occasions, oliguria. 5-day evolution. On physical examination patient hypo-active in the fetal position, with rhonchi audible without the use of instruments. The chest radiograph made two days ago, reports occupation diffuse airspace with poorly defined margins and consolidation area in relation to alveolar infiltrates with pleural effusion right (sic).
The analytical sample
Leukocytes --------- 39,000
Hemoglobin --------11,1 grams
Neutrophils---------82 %
Platelets ----------- 383 000
Erythrocyte ---- 107 mm the first hour
PCR --------------positive
The abdominal sonographic examination showed right pleural effusion with lumps, suggestive of Pleural Empyema right
It is performed trans-thoracic examination with linear transducer, hypo-echogenic area appreciates, located on a strip of consolidation located in the sub-axillary area of the right lung. In the lung contralateral side looks normal sonographic. Pleural puncture is performed, extracting about 35 cc liquid to be analyzed which reports:
The analytical sample
Leukocytes --------- 39,000
Hemoglobin --------11,1 grams
Neutrophils---------82 %
Platelets ----------- 383 000
Erythrocyte ---- 107 mm the first hour
PCR --------------positive
The abdominal sonographic examination showed right pleural effusion with lumps, suggestive of Pleural Empyema right
It is performed trans-thoracic examination with linear transducer, hypo-echogenic area appreciates, located on a strip of consolidation located in the sub-axillary area of the right lung. In the lung contralateral side looks normal sonographic. Pleural puncture is performed, extracting about 35 cc liquid to be analyzed which reports: