Bocio Macro-Nodular
Femenina 35 años de edad que dos meses después de sufrir un ataque de Chikungunya comenzó a tener un crecimiento en la parte anterior de su cuello. El examen sonografico de la región muestra crecimiento asimétrico del tiroides con dos pequeñas imágenes quisticas tabicadas en lóbulo derecho. El volumen del lóbulo derecho es de 9,29 ml. El lóbulo izquierdo, por contra, luce marcadamente aumentado de volumen ( 26,3 ml ) a expensas de gran nódulo solido que ocupa la casi totalidad del lóbulo y muestra aumento del flujo vascular al Doppler Color. Se concluye con los diagnostico de Nódulo solido del tiroides combinado con lesiones quisticas de este. Se recomienda Biopsia sonodirigida.
Female 35 years that two months after suffering an attack of Chikungunya began to have growth in the front of his neck. The sonographic examination of the region shows asymmetric growth of the thyroid with two small cystic images partitioned in the right lobe. The right lobe volume is 9.29 ml. The left lobe, by contrast, looks markedly increased in volume (26.3 ml) at the expense of a large solid nodule occupying almost the entire lobe and shows increased vascular flow at color Doppler. It concludes with the diagnosis of a solid thyroid nodule combined with cystic lesions of this. a sonography-directed biopsy is recommended.
Macro-Nodular Goiter
Female 35 years that two months after suffering an attack of Chikungunya began to have growth in the front of his neck. The sonographic examination of the region shows asymmetric growth of the thyroid with two small cystic images partitioned in the right lobe. The right lobe volume is 9.29 ml. The left lobe, by contrast, looks markedly increased in volume (26.3 ml) at the expense of a large solid nodule occupying almost the entire lobe and shows increased vascular flow at color Doppler. It concludes with the diagnosis of a solid thyroid nodule combined with cystic lesions of this. a sonography-directed biopsy is recommended.