Hematoma Organizado
Paciente femenina de 54 años de edad que hace 5 días fue sometida a Cateterismo Cardiaco vía Femoral Derecha, desde entonces siente dolor en Fosa Ilíaca Derecha que se ha ido intensificando hasta ser muy intenso. Al examen físico dolor exquisito en la zona con rebote positivo.
Analítica de orina y hemática normal. La paciente tiene historia de múltiples cirugías que incluyen histerectomía total, previas cesáreas y apendicetomía, todo lo cual hizo pensar en Proceso Adherencial, lo cual fue descartado posteriormente.Al explorar la Fosa Ilíaca Derecha , área del Ciego, con transductor de 10.0 MHz , nos encontramos con imagen hipo-ecogénica en forma de reloj de arena con limites irregulares, refuerzo ecogénico posterior y presencia de material ecogeno en su interior, nuestra conclusión diagnostica es Hematoma Organizado Post-Cateterismo.
La Tomografía Axial Computarizada muestra la misma situación descrita por nosotros en la sonografía.
La paciente había ingresado ese mismo día para ser sometida Bypass para corregir problemas de enfermedad multivasos que padece, de momento se ha suspendido el proceso.....
La paciente había ingresado ese mismo día para ser sometida Bypass para corregir problemas de enfermedad multivasos que padece, de momento se ha suspendido el proceso.....
Hematoma Organized
Female patient 54 years of age 5 days ago was undergoing cardiac catheterization via the right femoral since then pain in right iliac fossa that has been stepping up to be very intense. Exquisite pain to physical examination in the area with a positive rebound.
Analytical normal urine and bloodstream. The patient has a history of multiple surgeries including total hysterectomy, previous cesarean sections, an appendectomy, all of which were suggestive Adhesive Process, which was subsequently dismissed.
By exploring the right lower quadrant, area of the Blind, with 10.0-MHz transducer we found a hypo-echogenic image in an hourglass shape with irregular boundaries, capacity and presence of echogenic posterior echogenic material inside, our conclusion is diagnosed Hematoma Organized Post-Catheterization.
Analytical normal urine and bloodstream. The patient has a history of multiple surgeries including total hysterectomy, previous cesarean sections, an appendectomy, all of which were suggestive Adhesive Process, which was subsequently dismissed.
By exploring the right lower quadrant, area of the Blind, with 10.0-MHz transducer we found a hypo-echogenic image in an hourglass shape with irregular boundaries, capacity and presence of echogenic posterior echogenic material inside, our conclusion is diagnosed Hematoma Organized Post-Catheterization.
CT scan shows the same situation described by us in the sonography.
The patient had entered the same day for submission ByPass to correct problems that have multivessel disease, so far the process has been suspended so far.
The patient had entered the same day for submission ByPass to correct problems that have multivessel disease, so far the process has been suspended so far.