Masculino de 49 años de edad con hematuria total, indolora, fiebre y escalofríos, sin dolores cólicos ( no ha tenido nunca cólicos nefríticos ). Al examen sonográfico renal encontramos ambos riñones con presencia de múltiples depósitos cálcicos en el tejido renal , produciendo borramiento de las siluetas renales por las intensas sombras ecogénicas posteriores generadas por los depósitos de calcio. La imágenes son similares en ambos riñones, no hay signos de dilataciones hidronefroticas o de pelvis renales o uréteres. La vejiga luce sonográficamente normal.
Como los depósitos cálcicos se localizan en el tejido renal propiamente dicho, no hay cálculos en los sistemas excretores o nefrolitiasis en sentido estricto, de ahí que no haya tenido cólicos nefríticos, que se desarrollan por cálculos en uréteres.Debido a que la causa mas frecuente es el hiper-paratiroidismo primario y la segunda causa mas frecuente la acidosis tubular renal , al paciente se le recomendó encarecidamente dirigirse a especialista en Endocrinología y Nefrología respectivamente
Imagenes Nefrocalcinosis
Male 49 years of age with total hematuria, painless, fever, and chills, no cramps (he has never had kidney stones). When renal sonographic examination found the presence of both kidneys with multiple calcium deposits in kidney tissue, causing effacement of renal silhouettes by heavy shadows generated by subsequent echogenic calcium deposits. The pictures are similar in both kidneys, with no signs of the dilated hydronephrotic or renal pelvis or ureter. The sonographic bladder looks normal.
Since calcium deposits are found in the kidney tissue itself, there are no stones in the excretory system and therefore no nephrolithiasis in the strict sense, hence I did not have renal colic, which is developed by stones in ureters.
Because the most likely cause is the primary hyperparathyroidism and the second most common cause renal tubular acidosis, the patient is strongly recommended you contact a specialist in endocrinology and nephrology respectively
Since calcium deposits are found in the kidney tissue itself, there are no stones in the excretory system and therefore no nephrolithiasis in the strict sense, hence I did not have renal colic, which is developed by stones in ureters.
Because the most likely cause is the primary hyperparathyroidism and the second most common cause renal tubular acidosis, the patient is strongly recommended you contact a specialist in endocrinology and nephrology respectively