Esofago Inversus
Paciente femenina de 50 años de edad , referida para examen sonografico de Tiroides, el cual resultó normal excepto porque detectamos que su esófago está colocado a la derecha y no a la izquierda como es habitual. Exploramos los órganos abdominales y éstos están colocados adecuadamente o sea no se trata de un situs inversus totalis, tal como hemos visto en otras ocasiones anteriores ( ver 21 abril 2009/ 26 Octubre 2009 y 03 febrero 2010 respectivamente), si no de situs inversus parcialis .
A female patient, 50 years old, referred for a sonographic examination of the thyroid, which was normal except that they find that their esophagus is located on the right and left as usual. We explored the abdominal organs and these are positioned properly or is not a situs inversus totalis, as we have seen on previous occasions (see April 21, 2009/ October 26, 2009 and 03 febrero 2010 respectively), if not situs inversus parcialis.
As shown by these reports, although such cases are rare, scarce or rare, we must be alert and that at any moment we can find one.
Como se ve por estos reportes, aunque se trata de casos raros, escasos o poco frecuentes, hay que estar alertas ya que en cualquier momento podemos encontrarnos con uno.
Esophagus Inversus
A female patient, 50 years old, referred for a sonographic examination of the thyroid, which was normal except that they find that their esophagus is located on the right and left as usual. We explored the abdominal organs and these are positioned properly or is not a situs inversus totalis, as we have seen on previous occasions (see April 21, 2009/ October 26, 2009 and 03 febrero 2010 respectively), if not situs inversus parcialis.
As shown by these reports, although such cases are rare, scarce or rare, we must be alert and that at any moment we can find one.