Apendicitis Flemonosa
Paciente masculino , de 11 años de edad, muy delgado, ingresa con historia de dolor abdominal de unas 6 horas de evolución que comenzó en epigastrio y luego se focalizo en el área de la fosa ilíaca derecha. Se acompaña de fiebres, nauseas ,vómitos y resistencia a la palpacion superficial en fosa ilíaca derecha con rebote +.
Al examen eco-sonográfico de la zona se visualiza apéndice vermiforme con diámetro Ap de 11 mm ( normal hasta 6 mm ), no depresible , con aumento del flujo vascular al Doppler Color , con paredes desdibujadas y lo mas notable , la presencia de múltiples focos hiper-ecogenicos ¨flotando ¨ en la luz apendicular, aprecian dose imagen de apendicolito en su interior.
Se hace el diagnostico de Apendicitis Aguda Flemonosa ( con pus) , lo cual fue confirmado en el acto quirurgico posterior.
Phlegmonosum Appendicitis
The male patient, 11 years old, very thin, was admitted with a history of abdominal pain about 6 hours of evolution that began in the epigastrium and then focusing on the area of the right iliac fossa. It is accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, and resistance to palpation in right lower quadrant with rebound +.
The eco-sonographic examination of the area is displayed Ap vermiform appendix with a diameter of 11 mm (normal up to 6 mm), non-pitting, with the increased vascular flow at color Doppler, with walls blurred and most remarkably, the presence of multiple foci hyper-echogenic · Fleet ¨ in the appendiceal lumen, appreciate appendicolith image inside.
It makes the diagnosis of acute appendicitis phlegmonous (pus), which was confirmed at surgery later.
The eco-sonographic examination of the area is displayed Ap vermiform appendix with a diameter of 11 mm (normal up to 6 mm), non-pitting, with the increased vascular flow at color Doppler, with walls blurred and most remarkably, the presence of multiple foci hyper-echogenic · Fleet ¨ in the appendiceal lumen, appreciate appendicolith image inside.
It makes the diagnosis of acute appendicitis phlegmonous (pus), which was confirmed at surgery later.