Absceso Pelvico
Paciente femenina,51 años de edad, con constipación crónica, se presenta con dolor en fosa iliaca derecha, de 4 días de evolución, se palpa masa dura, se desplaza con la presión , ligeramente dolorosa a la palpación profunda. No fiebres, nauseas o vómitos. Antecedentes de cirugía laparoscopica ( histerectomia total hace dos años ). La exploración del área con transductor lineal de 10.0 MHz muestra nódulo mixto ( solido-liquido ) localizado en tejido celular subcutáneo, mide aprox 2,64 X 1,62 cm. El eco-Doppler de la lesión no muestra aumento del flujo sanguíneo a la zona. Las paredes externas son gruesas y las paredes internas de la cavitación son anfractuosas. Se concluye con el diagnostico presuntivo de absceso sub-cutáneo superficial, en relación con la cirugía laparoscopica realizada dos años antes, Se habla con el cirujano para intervención posterior.
Female patient, 51 years of age with chronic constipation, presents with pain in the right lower quadrant of 4 days duration, hard mass is palpable, moves with pressure, slightly painful to deep palpation. No fever, nausea, or vomiting. Background of laparoscopic surgery (total hysterectomy two years ago). The exploration area of the 10.0 MHz linear transducer shows a mixed node (solid-liquid) located in subcutaneous tissue, measures approx 2.64 x 1.62 cm. The echo-Doppler of the lesion does not show increased blood flow to the area. The outer walls are thick and the inner walls of cavitation are anfractuous. It concludes with a presumptive diagnosis of abscess sub-cutaneous surface, regarding laparoscopic surgery performed two years earlier, he was talking to the surgeon for further interventionism.
Pelvic Abscess
Female patient, 51 years of age with chronic constipation, presents with pain in the right lower quadrant of 4 days duration, hard mass is palpable, moves with pressure, slightly painful to deep palpation. No fever, nausea, or vomiting. Background of laparoscopic surgery (total hysterectomy two years ago). The exploration area of the 10.0 MHz linear transducer shows a mixed node (solid-liquid) located in subcutaneous tissue, measures approx 2.64 x 1.62 cm. The echo-Doppler of the lesion does not show increased blood flow to the area. The outer walls are thick and the inner walls of cavitation are anfractuous. It concludes with a presumptive diagnosis of abscess sub-cutaneous surface, regarding laparoscopic surgery performed two years earlier, he was talking to the surgeon for further interventionism.