Hematoma Retrocorionico & Placenta Marginal
Embarazada 24 años , cursando su segundo embarazo. Tuvo parto normal en el primero. Actualmente 13,4 semanas por fetometria. Tuvo sangrado transvaginal hace un mes, actualmente no tiene sangrado, algo de dolor en área pelvica. El examen sonografico muestra área de hematoma con múltiples filamentos de fibrina en su interior, con un volumen de aprox: 58,7 c.c. El cuello uterino muestra apertura de 7,5 mm, medido a nivel del os interno.La placenta, anterior, grado O, se aprecia en localización baja, marginal,
El segundo examen sonografico cursando su embarazo de 15,4 semanas por fetometria, presenta algunos dolores pelvicos, no ha sangrado. El examen sonografico muestra producto con actividad cardíaca y motriz normales.La placenta, en localización anterior, se aprecia en posición baja, marginal . El cuello uterino muestra apertura del canal cervical de 8,2 mm. La cara fetal placentaria muestra placa corionica desprendida con espacio de contenido liquido y en la porción mas baja , cerca del cuello se aprecia imagen anecogena con múltiples filamentos de fibrina con un contenido de aprox 44,19 c.c. que representa hematoma parcialmente organizado.Se concluye con el diagnostico de hemorragia con desprendimiento de placa corionica.
Retrocorionic Hematoma & Marginal Placenta
Pregnant 24 years old, taking her second pregnancy. She had a normal birth in the first. Currently 13.4 weeks for fetometry. He had transvaginal bleeding a month ago, currently has no bleeding, some pain in the pelvic area. The sonographic examination shows the area of hematoma with multiple fibrin filaments inside, with a volume of approx: 58.7 c.c. The cervix shows an opening of 7.5 mm, measured at the level of the internal os. The placenta, anterior, degree O, is seen in low, marginal location,
The second sonographic examination examines the pregnancy of 15.4 weeks by fetometry, presents some pelvic pain, has not bled. The sonographic examination shows a product with normal cardiac and motor activity. The placenta, in the anterior location, is seen in a low, marginal position. The cervix shows the opening of the cervical canal of 8.2 mm. The placental fetal face shows a chorionic plaque detached with a space of liquid content and in the lower part, near the neck, and anechoic image with multiple filaments of fibrin with the content of approx 44.19 c.c. Which represents a partially organized hematoma. It concludes with the diagnosis of bleeding with a detachment of chorionic plaque.
Imágenes 2do Examen
Images 2nd Test
Images 2nd Test
El tercer examen sonografico de seguimiento a este caso mostró que la placenta ya se elevó lo suficiente para no ser un problema, el hematoma, tanto el dependiente directo del desprendimiento corionico como el de gran contenido de filamentos de fibrina, han disminuido significativamente de volumen, por tanto, la evolución de este caso ha sido satisfactoria.
The third sonographic follow-up examination, in this case, showed that the placenta was already elevated enough to not be a problem, the hematoma, both the direct dependence of the chorionic detachment and the high content of fibrin filaments, have decreased significantly in volume, Therefore, the evolution of this case has been satisfactory.
The third sonographic follow-up examination, in this case, showed that the placenta was already elevated enough to not be a problem, the hematoma, both the direct dependence of the chorionic detachment and the high content of fibrin filaments, have decreased significantly in volume, Therefore, the evolution of this case has been satisfactory.
El cuarto examen sonografico de control mostró embarazo libre de hematomas, desapareciendo ambas colecciones hematicas. Gran parto del éxito de este caso ilustra la importancia del reposo ya que la paciente paso de ser una muy activa trabajadora , al reposo casi absoluto.
The fourth sonographic examination of control showed pregnancy free of hematomas, disappearing both hematic collections. A great part of the success of this case illustrates the importance of rest since the patient happens to be a very active worker, at almost absolute rest.