Hemangiomas Hepáticos Multiples
Masculino 60 años edad con antecedentes familiares de Diabetes Mellitus, con hipertensión arterial sistémica y malformación congénita del riñón izquierdo.Viene para chequeo rutinario. El examen sonografico hepático muestra ecogenicidad aumentada en relacion a cortex renal derecho con cierto grado de dificultad para la visualización de las estructuras hepáticas interna, se corresponde con esteatosis hepática grado I. Ademas el hígado muestra múltiples imágenes hiperecogenicas,redondeadas,son eco-doppler negativas y al aplicar la Elastografia demuestran estar en el score 2 de Ueno, compatibles por tanto, con lesiones benignas.El riñón izquierdo muestra deformidad de su silueta y presencia de dilatación de la pelvis renal, el riñón es de mayor tamaño que el derecho.Se concluye con los diagnósticos de nódulos hepáticos
compatibles con hemangiomas múltiples, Esteatosis hepática grado I y riñón izquierdo con deformación de sus silueta, con mayor volumen que el riñón contralateral y con hidronefrosis grado I.
Male 60 years old with a family history of Diabetes Mellitus, with systemic arterial hypertension and congenital malformation of the left kidney. Comes for a routine check-up. The hepatic sonographic examination shows increased echogenicity in relation to the right renal cortex with some degree of difficulty for the visualization of internal liver structures, corresponds to grade I hepatic steatosis. Besides, the liver shows multiple rounded hyperechogenic images, they are negative echo-doppler and when applying Elastography they show that they are in Ueno score 2, therefore compatible with benign lesions. The left kidney shows deformity of its silhouette and the presence of dilated renal pelvis, the kidney is larger than the right. concludes with liver nodules diagnoses
multiple compatible with multiple hemangiomas, hepatic steatosis grade I and left kidney with deformation of its silhouette, with greater volume than the contralateral kidney and with hydronephrosis grade I.
compatibles con hemangiomas múltiples, Esteatosis hepática grado I y riñón izquierdo con deformación de sus silueta, con mayor volumen que el riñón contralateral y con hidronefrosis grado I.
Multiple Liver Hemangiomas
Male 60 years old with a family history of Diabetes Mellitus, with systemic arterial hypertension and congenital malformation of the left kidney. Comes for a routine check-up. The hepatic sonographic examination shows increased echogenicity in relation to the right renal cortex with some degree of difficulty for the visualization of internal liver structures, corresponds to grade I hepatic steatosis. Besides, the liver shows multiple rounded hyperechogenic images, they are negative echo-doppler and when applying Elastography they show that they are in Ueno score 2, therefore compatible with benign lesions. The left kidney shows deformity of its silhouette and the presence of dilated renal pelvis, the kidney is larger than the right. concludes with liver nodules diagnoses
multiple compatible with multiple hemangiomas, hepatic steatosis grade I and left kidney with deformation of its silhouette, with greater volume than the contralateral kidney and with hydronephrosis grade I.