Quiste Bartolino
Femenina 32 años de edad consulta por presentar molestias en el área de la vulva. Al examen físico se aprecia abultamiento en la parte inferior derecha del labio mayor derecho. Es doloroso a la palpación. El examen sonografico con transductor linear de 10.0 MHz muestra imagen anecogena, de contenido liquido. Al aplicar el Doppler Color no se demuestra la presencia de flujo significativo. Se concluye con el diagnostico de Quiste de Bartolino. Las glandulas de Bartolino o glándulas vestibulares mayores son dos glándulas disminutas situadas a cada lado de la apertura de la vagina. Con cierta frecuencia se obstruyen causando tumefacción y dolor en la zona. El proceso suele obligar a excision quirúrgica.
Female 32 years of age consult for presenting discomfort in the vulva area. The physical examination shows bulging in the lower right part of the right greater lip. It is painful on palpation. The sonographic examination with a 10.0 MHz linear transducer shows an anechogenic image, of liquid content. When applying Color Doppler, the presence of significant flow is not demonstrated. It concludes with the diagnosis of Bartholin Cyst. Bartholin glands or major vestibular glands are two diminished glands located on each side of the vagina opening. With some frequency, they get clogged causing swelling and pain in the area. The process usually forces surgical excision.
Bartholin Cyst
Female 32 years of age consult for presenting discomfort in the vulva area. The physical examination shows bulging in the lower right part of the right greater lip. It is painful on palpation. The sonographic examination with a 10.0 MHz linear transducer shows an anechogenic image, of liquid content. When applying Color Doppler, the presence of significant flow is not demonstrated. It concludes with the diagnosis of Bartholin Cyst. Bartholin glands or major vestibular glands are two diminished glands located on each side of the vagina opening. With some frequency, they get clogged causing swelling and pain in the area. The process usually forces surgical excision.