Femenina 14 años de edad,obesa,con historia de trauma hace 10 dias mientras montaba bicicleta.Presento dolor,enrojecimiento y calor en el area de la mama izquierda.Fue tratada con analgesicos y antibioticoterapia durante 5 dias.En la actualidad el area mamaria izquierda no presenta rubor o calor local aunque si se queja de dolor a la palpacion de la zona.El examen sonografico con transductor linear de 10.0 MHz muestra area cavitada,contenido liquido,con paredes internas irregulares y presencia de algunos grumos finos floculantes en su interior.La lesion mide aprox: 1.49 X 0.91 X 1.67 cm,volumen aprox: 1.19 c.c.La lesion se localiza en area subareolar a la izquierda del pezon. Se concluye con el diagnostico de Mastitis Post-trauma.Tras 16 dias de tratamiento presenta gran mejoria del area lesional con elementos residuales ,poco contenido liquido y sintomatologia minima.
14-year-old female, obese, with a history of trauma 10 days ago while riding a bicycle. She presented pain, redness, and heat in the left breast area. She was treated with analgesics and antibiotic therapy for 5 days. Currently, the left breast area She does not present redness or local heat, although she does complain of pain on palpation of the area. The sonographic examination with a 10.0 MHz linear transducer shows a cavitated area, liquid content, with irregular internal walls and the presence of some fine flocculant lumps inside. The lesion measures approx: 1.49 X 0.91 X 1.67 cm, volume approx: 1.19 c.c. The lesion is located in the subareolar area to the left of the nipple. It concludes with the diagnosis of Post-trauma Mastitis. After 16 days of treatment, he presented great improvement in the lesion area with residual elements, little liquid content, and minimal symptoms.