Tumoracion Solida Parotidas
Los tumores de Parótidas son raros. El mas frecuente entre los benignos es el Adenoma pleomorfo o tumor mixto benigno
En nuestra dos imágenes mostramos un caso de tumoración solida de Parótida Derecha en paciente femenina de 88 años de edad, con gran masa en el área de la Parótida derecha, según ella de crecimiento lento ( 2-3 años ) , indoloro y cuya única queja es cierto grado de dificultad para tragar ( disfagia ). Las características sonográficas son : Cápsula que rodea toda la lesión, eco-estructura muy densa y marcada heterogeneidad de todas las áreas del tumor. Este aspecto lo hace coincidir con el diagnostico de Adenoma Pleomorfo de Parótidas
Solid Parotid Tumor
Parotid tumors are rare. The most frequent among the benign ones is the pleomorphic adenoma or benign mixed tumor
(taken from the SECPRE plastic surgery manual) Spanish Society of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
It represents 80% of all major salivary gland tumors and approximately 85% of benign sialomas.
Its growth is usually slow and generally well defined, with 85% of cases being located in the parotid (65% of parotid tumors), 8% in the submaxilla (50% of submaxillary), 6.5% in the minor salivary glands (40-70% of the total in this location) and 0.5% in the gland. sublingual.
It can occur at any age, prevailing in the 4th-5th decade of life, being more frequent in women.
Clinically, it appears as a single, long-standing, mobile, asymptomatic, soft nodule, mainly affecting the superficial parotid lobe at the lower pole level and without adhesions, although it is not exceptional to observe ulcerations on the palate. 14% of cases are deeply located and only 5% affect both lobes.
Like most mixed tumors, it appears irregular, lobulated, and encapsulated. Its high structural complexity and pleomorphism are determined by the presence of epithelial and myoepithelial cells within a mesenchymal stroma.
The presence of multiple branches (from the main tumor and adjacent to it) infiltrating normal glandular tissue, explains the possible recurrences after excision. Recurrence is associated with multinodular. (Sic)
In our two images we show a case of a solid Right Parotid tumor in an 88-year-old female patient, with a large mass in the area of the right Parotid, according to her slow growth (2-3 years), painless and whose only complaint it is some degree of difficulty swallowing (dysphagia). The sonographic characteristics are: Capsule that surrounds the entire lesion, very dense echo-structure, and marked heterogeneity of all tumor areas. This aspect makes it coincide with the diagnosis of Parotid Pleomorphic Adenoma
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