Quistes en Epididimo

Paciente masculino 41 años de edad, inquieto y preocupado por ligeras molestias en region testicular derecha. A la exploración sonografica testicular con transducer linear de foco corto, encontramos pequeñas aéreas quisticas en ambos epidídimos ( cabezas), con pequeños refuerzos posteriores que se producen al atravesar la zona liquidas de ambos quistes.
Como muchos pacientes de exploraciones testiculares y prostáticas, al final del examen se descubren sus verdaderas preocupaciones y motivaciones : fallos eréctiles
Male 41 years old, worried and concerned about slight discomfort in the right testicular region. The sonographic exploration testicular with transducer linear focus short, we found small cystic areas in both epididymides (head), with small reinforcements that occur after passing through the liquid zone of both cysts.
Like many patients in testicular and prostate examinations at the end of the review will find their real concerns and motivations: erectile failure
Como muchos pacientes de exploraciones testiculares y prostáticas, al final del examen se descubren sus verdaderas preocupaciones y motivaciones : fallos eréctiles
Cyst in Epididymis
Male 41 years old, worried and concerned about slight discomfort in the right testicular region. The sonographic exploration testicular with transducer linear focus short, we found small cystic areas in both epididymides (head), with small reinforcements that occur after passing through the liquid zone of both cysts.
Like many patients in testicular and prostate examinations at the end of the review will find their real concerns and motivations: erectile failure