Poliquistosis Ovarica
Paciente femenina 19 años edad Gesta 0 Partos 0 con infertilidad primaria de 2 años. Después de una menarquía normal , tuvo mentruaciones normales y a los dos años de ellas, comenzó a tener amenorreas secundarias. Paciente delgada , sin hirsutismo, no antecedentes familiares o personales de Diabetes Mellitus.
En el examen sonográfico transvaginal lo primero que notamos es una marcada latero-desviacion derecha de útero , lo cual sugiere fuertemente proceso inflamatorio pelvico antiguo que crea tal eventualidad o cirugía pelvica previa , que no aplica en este caso. En el interrogatorio de la paciente confiesa que tuvo una infección vaginal previa, pero la califica de leve.
Ambos ovarios muestran múltiples folículos inmaduros que ocupan casi todo el parénquima ovarico con una pequeña área central hiper-ecogenica, densa. Todo apunta al diagnostico de Poliquistosis Ovarica, lo cual explica clínicamente la infertilidad primaria y las amenorreas secundarias de la paciente.Polycystic Ovary
19 years old female patient Gesta 0 Part 0 with primary infertility of 2 years. After normal menarche, two years later she began to have secondary amenorrhea. Patient thin, without hirsutism, no personal or family history of diabetes mellitus.
Transvaginal sonographic examination in the first thing we noticed is a marked right lateral-uterine deviation, strongly suggesting an old pelvic inflammatory process that creates such an eventuality or prior pelvic surgery, which does not apply in this case. During interrogation, the patient admitted that he had a prior vaginal infection, but described as mild.
Both ovaries show multiple immature follicles that occupy almost the entire ovarian parenchyma with a small central area of hyper-echogenic density. Everything points to the diagnosis of polycystic ovarian disease, which explains clinically primary infertility and secondary amenorrhoea the patient
Transvaginal sonographic examination in the first thing we noticed is a marked right lateral-uterine deviation, strongly suggesting an old pelvic inflammatory process that creates such an eventuality or prior pelvic surgery, which does not apply in this case. During interrogation, the patient admitted that he had a prior vaginal infection, but described as mild.
Both ovaries show multiple immature follicles that occupy almost the entire ovarian parenchyma with a small central area of hyper-echogenic density. Everything points to the diagnosis of polycystic ovarian disease, which explains clinically primary infertility and secondary amenorrhoea the patient

Sonografia trans-abdominal