Hematoma Post-Cateterismo
Paciente masculino de 75 años de edad que inmediatamente ser sometido a procedimiento de cateterismo mostró signos de alarmas ( taquicardia, palidez y disminución de la presión arterial ). En la sonografia con transducer linear de 10 MHz se encontró la presencia de áreas anecogenas, la mayor de ellas de forma oval, anecogena, con refuerzo ecogenico posterior y en su mayor parte ocupada por grumos finos que mostraban gran movilidad. El área de mayor tamaño ( 7,6 X 3,2 X 3,2 cm ) se localiza en el compartimiento retroperitoneal en la región suprapubica y en conexión con esta área se visualizan dos pequeñas áreas de 3,9 X 1,6 X 1,5 cm y de 3,2 X 1,7 X 1,1 cm respectivamente ,que se localizan en fosa iliaca derecha. El paciente ya había sido sometido a Cateterismo cardíaco anteriormente y se le había instalado un Stent, razón por la cual estaba en tratamiento con aspirina y Clopidogrel ( Plavid® ).
Tras el examen sonográfico se decidió intervenir para drenar y suturar los vasos sangrantes, así se hizo con éxito relativo pues el paciente entro en crisis anginosa y aun permanece en cuidados intensivos por tal motivo.
Imagenes Stent Coronarios
Male patient 75 years of age who undergo immediate catheterization procedure showed signs of alarm (tachycardia, paleness, and decreased blood pressure). In the sonography with a 10 MHz linear transducer was found the presence of an-echogenic areas, most of them oval in shape, an-echogenic with posterior echogenic reinforcement and for the most part occupied by fine clumps that showed great mobility. The larger area (7.6 X 3.2 X 3.2 cm) is located in the retroperitoneal compartment in the supra-pubic region and in connection with this area are displayed two small areas of 3.9 X 1.6 X 1, 5 cm and 3.2 x 1.7 x 1.1 cm respectively, which are located in the right iliac fossa. The patient had undergone cardiac catheterization and had been previously installed a Stent, reason why he was being treated with aspirin and clopidogrel (Plavid ®).
After the sonographic examination was decided to intervene to drain and suture the bleeding vessels, so it was with little success because the patient became angina attacks and even remains in intensive care for that reason..
Tras el examen sonográfico se decidió intervenir para drenar y suturar los vasos sangrantes, así se hizo con éxito relativo pues el paciente entro en crisis anginosa y aun permanece en cuidados intensivos por tal motivo.
Imagenes Stent Coronarios
Hematoma Post-Catheterization
Male patient 75 years of age who undergo immediate catheterization procedure showed signs of alarm (tachycardia, paleness, and decreased blood pressure). In the sonography with a 10 MHz linear transducer was found the presence of an-echogenic areas, most of them oval in shape, an-echogenic with posterior echogenic reinforcement and for the most part occupied by fine clumps that showed great mobility. The larger area (7.6 X 3.2 X 3.2 cm) is located in the retroperitoneal compartment in the supra-pubic region and in connection with this area are displayed two small areas of 3.9 X 1.6 X 1, 5 cm and 3.2 x 1.7 x 1.1 cm respectively, which are located in the right iliac fossa. The patient had undergone cardiac catheterization and had been previously installed a Stent, reason why he was being treated with aspirin and clopidogrel (Plavid ®).
After the sonographic examination was decided to intervene to drain and suture the bleeding vessels, so it was with little success because the patient became angina attacks and even remains in intensive care for that reason..