Calculo Unico
Paciente femenina de 48 años de edad. El examen eco-sonografico mostro Hepatomegalia severa con higado de 18,2 cm ( normal hasta 15 cm ) y la presencia de calculo grande, unico ( 2,7 cm en su eje mayor ) con intensa sombra ecogenica posterior. El calculo luce enclavado en Infundibulo vesicular y llama la atencion de que a pesar de todo las paredes vesiculares lucen finas, no engrosadas o sea sin signos inflamatorios, hallazgo relativamente frecuente en los casos de calculo unico de vesicula tal como demostramos en un trabajo publicado anteriormente por nosotros , en el cual se encontraron mil cuatrocientos noventicinco ( 1,495 ) pacientes con patologia vesicular sobre un universo de ocho mil cuatrocientos cuarenta y seis (8,446 ) pacientes examinados (sic)
Con cálculos únicos doscientos nueve ( 209 ) pacientes, representando 13.97 % de los casos
Cálculos únicos sin proceso inflamatorio de sus paredes, ciento treinta (130 ) casos, el 8.69 % de todos los casos y el 62.20 % de los cálculos únicos,
Cálculos únicos con proceso inflamatorio en sus paredes, setenta y nueve (79 ) casos o el 5.28 % de todos los casos y el 37.79 % de los calculos únicos.
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Female patient aged 48. Eco-sonographic examination showed severe hepatomegaly with a liver of 18.2 cm (normal up to 15 cms) and the presence of a large single stone, (2.7 cm in major axis) with intense posterior echogenic shadow. The stone looks set in gallbladder infundibulum and draws attention to yet vesicular walls look fine, not thickened or without signs of inflammation, relatively frequent finding in cases of gallbladder single stone as demonstrated in previously published work for us, which were found in fourteen hundred ninety-five (1,495) patients with gallbladder disease in a universe of eight thousand four hundred forty-six (8.446) patients examined (sic)
Single Stones on two hundred and nine (209) patients, representing 13.97% of cases
Single Stones without inflammation of the walls, one hundred thirty (130) cases, 8.69% of all cases, and 62.20% of stones unique
Single Stones with inflammation in their walls, seventy-nine (79) cases or 5.28% of all cases and 37.79% of the load alone.
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Single Stone
Female patient aged 48. Eco-sonographic examination showed severe hepatomegaly with a liver of 18.2 cm (normal up to 15 cms) and the presence of a large single stone, (2.7 cm in major axis) with intense posterior echogenic shadow. The stone looks set in gallbladder infundibulum and draws attention to yet vesicular walls look fine, not thickened or without signs of inflammation, relatively frequent finding in cases of gallbladder single stone as demonstrated in previously published work for us, which were found in fourteen hundred ninety-five (1,495) patients with gallbladder disease in a universe of eight thousand four hundred forty-six (8.446) patients examined (sic)
Single Stones on two hundred and nine (209) patients, representing 13.97% of cases
Single Stones without inflammation of the walls, one hundred thirty (130) cases, 8.69% of all cases, and 62.20% of stones unique
Single Stones with inflammation in their walls, seventy-nine (79) cases or 5.28% of all cases and 37.79% of the load alone.
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