Mastitis Tras Implante Mamario
Paciente femenina de 38 años de edad, 3 gestaciones, dos partos y un aborto provocado, en amenorrea post quirúrgica desde hace 11 años, por histerectomia total, que por segunda vez es sometida a procedimiento de implante mamario - hace 8 días- para aumentar de volumen los senos. A partir de este procedimiento, presenta intensos dolores en ambos senos, sobre todo el derecho, con hematoma superficial en posición de las 03 horas del reloj y drenaje de liquido sero-sanguinolento por el orificio de salida del drenaje. Se queja de calor local y de presentar fiebres altas ,cefaleas y malestar general. La paciente se muestra dispuesta a retirarse el implante tal como hizo con el primero, años ha. La situación clínica de la paciente no ha cambiado a pesar de la cubierta con antibióticos de amplio espectro que han sido suministrado a la paciente.
Al examen eco-sonográfico con transductor linear de 10.0 MHz en mama derecha , se aprecia implante mamario intacto en sus contornos, sin presencia de imágenes discontinuas que podrían significar roturas, se aprecio colección liquida con grumos finos en suspensión, con forma de lágrima, localizado en posición de las 09 del reloj, mide aprox 3,6 x 1,7 x 1,0 cm. El eco Doppler no muestra aumento del flujo vascular y parece visualizarse la vía de salida del liquido hacia el exterior.
La mama izquierda muestra otra pequeña colección con características sonográficas similares, pero de menor tamaño, se localiza a las 03 horas del reloj y mide aprox 2,0 x 0,4 x 0,5 cm ( no se muestran las imágenes ).
A female patient, 38 years old, three pregnancies, two births, and induced abortion in post-surgical amenorrhea for 11 years, for a total hysterectomy, which undergoes a second-time breast implant procedure - 8 days ago-to gain breast volume. From this procedure, has intense pain in both breasts, especially the right, with bruising in a position of 03 hours of the clock and drainage of fluid from the serosanguineous drainage outlet. He complains of local heat and high fever, headache, and malaise. The patient is prepared to withdraw the implant as it did with the first, years ago. The patient's clinical situation has not changed despite the deck with broad-spectrum antibiotics that have been delivered to the patient.
The eco-sonographic examination with 10.0 MHz linear transducers in the right breast, a breast implant can be seen intact in its contours, without the presence of discontinuous images that might mean breaking, fluid collections are lumpy appreciate fine suspended, teardrop-shaped, located 09 positions of the clock, measures approx 3.6 x 1.7 x 1.0 cms. The echo-Doppler shows increased vascular flow and seem to display the way out of the liquid outwards.
The left breast shows another small collection sonographic features similar, but smaller is located at 03 o'clock and measures approx 2.0 x 0.4 x 0.5 cm (image not shown).
Mastitis after Breast Implant
A female patient, 38 years old, three pregnancies, two births, and induced abortion in post-surgical amenorrhea for 11 years, for a total hysterectomy, which undergoes a second-time breast implant procedure - 8 days ago-to gain breast volume. From this procedure, has intense pain in both breasts, especially the right, with bruising in a position of 03 hours of the clock and drainage of fluid from the serosanguineous drainage outlet. He complains of local heat and high fever, headache, and malaise. The patient is prepared to withdraw the implant as it did with the first, years ago. The patient's clinical situation has not changed despite the deck with broad-spectrum antibiotics that have been delivered to the patient.
The eco-sonographic examination with 10.0 MHz linear transducers in the right breast, a breast implant can be seen intact in its contours, without the presence of discontinuous images that might mean breaking, fluid collections are lumpy appreciate fine suspended, teardrop-shaped, located 09 positions of the clock, measures approx 3.6 x 1.7 x 1.0 cms. The echo-Doppler shows increased vascular flow and seem to display the way out of the liquid outwards.
The left breast shows another small collection sonographic features similar, but smaller is located at 03 o'clock and measures approx 2.0 x 0.4 x 0.5 cm (image not shown).