Tumor Pulpejo Dedo Pulgar
Masculino 77 años edad. Presenta tumoración dolorosa en la cara palmar del dedo pulgar de la mano derecha ( pulpejo). Presenta una coloración obscura. Al examen sonografico con transductor linear de 10.0 MHz muestra masa hipoecogenica, solida, de limites precisos, sin refuerzo ecogenico posterior, mide aprox: 1.60 X 1.49 X 0.92 cm.. El Doppler Color no muestra aumento del flujo. La Elastografia se presenta con score 2 de Ueno y Strain Ratio de 1.41 ,compatible con lesión benigna. Se concluye con el diagnostico de tumor solido del pulpejo del dedo pulgar. Es mandatorio realizar diagnostico diferencial entre tumor glomico Vs quiste mucoide
Thumb Tumor
Male 77 years old. There is a painful mass on the palmar aspect of the thumb of the right hand (pulp). It has a dark coloration. The sonographic examination with a 10.0 MHz linear transducer shows a hypoechogenic mass, solid, with precise limits, without posterior echogenic reinforcement, it measures approx: 1.60 X 1.49 X 0.92 cm .. Color Doppler shows no increased flow. Elastography is presented with an Ueno score of 2 and a Strain Ratio of 1.41, compatible with a benign lesion. It concludes with the diagnosis of a solid tumor of the ball of the thumb. It is mandatory to perform a differential diagnosis between glomico tumor Vs mucoid cyst