Plastron Apendicular & Absceso Pelvico
Paciente femenina de 61 años de edad, con exploración abdominal normal tres días antes a estos hallazgos. Es una paciente que ingresa con los diagnósticos de Hipertension Arterial Sistemica grado II, Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2, no insulino-dependiente, . Presenta una evolución de unos 15 días con diarreas intermitentes, con una frecuencia de 4 / día, mareos, nauseas, vómitos, fiebres, dolor abdominal difuso que posteriormente se focaliza en fosa iliaca derecha donde se palpa masa dolorosa, con dolor exquisito y signo de rebote positivo.
Cultivo de heces negativo
Glucemia 309 mlgr
Hemoglobina 9.7 grmsHematocrito 30.9Ferritina 37 ( normal 11.1 - 264 para mujeres de + 50 añosHierro Total 12.6 ) 50-212 ųg/dl
Eritrosedimentacion globular 65 en la 1ra hora
Orina 18-20 leucocitos / campo 8-10 hematíes /campo
En la exploración sonografica de fosa iliaca derecha se visualiza masa heterogénea de unos 8.0 X 4.5 cms con limites difusos, irregulares y con dobles contornos. La pared posterior no es posible definirla. Toda la zona que rodea a la masa no muestra signos sonograficos de peristaltismo en la ecosonografia dinámica. En área pelvica se visualiza asa intestinal interpuesta por delante de un cuerpo uterino atrofico y se aprecia la presencia de pequeña colección liquida en área anexial derecha. El reporte de la cirugía reza lo siguiente : Apéndice perforada, gangrenada, con absceso pelvico gigante de mas o menos 300 c.c., fétido. Asas intestinales formando plastron con el epiplon. Abundante fibrina inter-ileal.Glucemia 309 mlgr
Hemoglobina 9.7 grmsHematocrito 30.9Ferritina 37 ( normal 11.1 - 264 para mujeres de + 50 añosHierro Total 12.6 ) 50-212 ųg/dl
Eritrosedimentacion globular 65 en la 1ra hora
Orina 18-20 leucocitos / campo 8-10 hematíes /campo
La exploración con transductor lineal no demostró mucho ya que la masa era profunda y de gran tamaño ( dos ultimas fotos).
Appendicular Plastron & Pelvic Abscess
A female patient, 61 years old with a normal abdominal examination three days before these findings. It is a patient who was admitted with a diagnosis of grade II Systemic Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, non-insulin-dependent. Presents an evolution of about 15 days with intermittent diarrhea, with a frequency of four per day, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fever, abdominal pain subsequently focused right lower quadrant tender mass which is palpable, with exquisite pain and sign of a positive rebound.
Negative stool culture
Glucose 309 mlg
Hemoglobin 9.7 gm
Hematocrit 30.9
Ferritin 37 (normal 11.1 - 264 for women >50 years
Iron Total 12.6) 50-212 ug / dl
Sedimentation rate 65 in the 1st hour
Urine 18-20 leukocytes / field 8-10 erythrocytes / field
Sonographic examination in the right iliac fossa displays a heterogeneous mass of 8.0 X 4.5 cm with diffuse boundaries and irregular double contours. The back wall is not possible to define. The entire area surrounding the sonographic mass shows no sign of peristalsis in the eco-sonography dynamics. The pelvic area is displayed in the intestinal loop brought in front of an atrophic uterine body and appreciated the presence of small fluid collections in the right adnexal area. The surgery report reads as follows: Appendix perforated, gangrenous, with pelvic abscess giant about 300 ccs, fetid. Plastron forming loops of bowel with omentum. Abundant fibrin inter-ileal.
The linear transducer scan did not show much because the mass was deep and large (last two photos).
Negative stool culture
Glucose 309 mlg
Hemoglobin 9.7 gm
Hematocrit 30.9
Ferritin 37 (normal 11.1 - 264 for women >50 years
Iron Total 12.6) 50-212 ug / dl
Sedimentation rate 65 in the 1st hour
Urine 18-20 leukocytes / field 8-10 erythrocytes / field
Sonographic examination in the right iliac fossa displays a heterogeneous mass of 8.0 X 4.5 cm with diffuse boundaries and irregular double contours. The back wall is not possible to define. The entire area surrounding the sonographic mass shows no sign of peristalsis in the eco-sonography dynamics. The pelvic area is displayed in the intestinal loop brought in front of an atrophic uterine body and appreciated the presence of small fluid collections in the right adnexal area. The surgery report reads as follows: Appendix perforated, gangrenous, with pelvic abscess giant about 300 ccs, fetid. Plastron forming loops of bowel with omentum. Abundant fibrin inter-ileal.
The linear transducer scan did not show much because the mass was deep and large (last two photos).