Vesicula Biliar Elongada
Paciente femenina de 66 años, diabetica no insulino-dependiente, hipertensa, con epigastralgias , perdida de peso de unas 10 libras en los últimos dos meses. Pesadez Post-prandial. Diagnosticada con infección por Helicobacter Pilori. Niega nauseas o vómitos. Tuvo 11 embarazos y es delgada. Al momento del examen eco-sonografico tenia 10 horas de ayuno. Se aprecia una vesícula muy estrecha que cual tubo elongado recorre la mayor parte del lóbulo derecho, mide 12.5 X 2.1 X 2.0 cm. Para nosotros es una imagen inedita en mis años de eco-sonografista.El resto del examen eco-sonografico abdominal es normal
Elongated Gallbladder
66-year-old female patient, non-insulin-dependent diabetic, hypertensive, with epigastric pain, weight loss of about 10 pounds in the last two months. Post-prandial heaviness. Diagnosed with Helicobacter Pylori infection. Denies nausea or vomiting. She had 11 pregnancies and is thin. At the time of eco-sonographic examination was 10 hours of fasting.
We observe a very narrow gallbladder elongated tube which goes through most of the right lobe, measuring 12.5 X 2.1 X 2.0 cms. For us, it is an unusual image in my years of an eco-sonographer. The rest of the eco-abdominal sonographic examination is normal.
We observe a very narrow gallbladder elongated tube which goes through most of the right lobe, measuring 12.5 X 2.1 X 2.0 cms. For us, it is an unusual image in my years of an eco-sonographer. The rest of the eco-abdominal sonographic examination is normal.