Riñones Poliquisticos & IRC & Quiste Ovario Hemorragico
Paciente femenina 46 años de edad con insuficiencia renal crónica ( IRC ), en programa de diálisis desde hace once años. Hace unos años fallo un intento de trasplante renal porque el donante ( su hermano ) sufrió un shock hipovolemico en el momento de la cirugía, estando ella ya con la cirugía en progreso, a consecuencia de ello presenta amplia cicatriz en fosa iliaca derecha. Actualmente cursa con la siguiente analítica
Leucocitos 4,100
Hemoglobina 9.7 grms
Hematocrito 29.7
Plaquetas 137 mil
Formula Diferencial normal
Creatinina 5.6
Eritrosedimentacion 30 mm/ 1 hora
La paciente llevaba 6 años en amenorrea y ahora comienza sangrado transvaginal desde hace 3 días que se acompaña de intensos dolores en fosa iliaca derecha, con nauseas. No fiebre. El examen sonografico abdominal muestra la presencia de riñones poliquisticos. En pelvis se visualiza útero de pequeño tamaño, ( 6.1 X 3.2 cm ) con foco nodular miomatoso, hiper-ecogenico, calcificado y la presencia de pequeño derrame liquido en fondo de saco posterior. En región ovárica derecha se visualiza masa quistica, con refuerzo posterior y con material ecogeno en su interior, altamente sugestivo de quiste ovárico derecho hemorragico, mide 7.4 X 6.3 X 6.3 cm.
Female patient 46 years of age with chronic renal failure (CRF) on dialysis program for eleven years. A few years ago an attempt failed because the donor kidney transplant (his brother) suffered hypovolemic shock at the time of surgery when she was already in progress surgery and as a result of this extensive presence in the right iliac fossa scar.
Currently completing the following analytical
Leukocyte 4.100
Hemoglobin 9.7 gm
Hematocrit 29.7
Platelets 137 000
Differential Formula normal
Creatinine 5.6
Erythrocyte sedimentation 30 mm / 1 hour
The patient had amenorrhea and six years in TVB now begins three days since it is accompanied by severe pain in the right lower quadrant, with nausea. No fever.
An abdominal sonographic examination revealed the presence of polycystic kidneys.
The pelvis is displayed in the small uterus, (6.1 X 3.2 cm) with a focus nodular hyper-echogenic, calcified, myomatous, and the presence of small spill liquid into the posterior fornix.
At right is displayed ovarian region cystic mass with posterior enhancement and internal echogenic material, highly suggestive of right hemorrhagic ovarian cyst, measuring 7.4 X 6.3 X 6.3 cm.
Leucocitos 4,100
Hemoglobina 9.7 grms
Hematocrito 29.7
Plaquetas 137 mil
Formula Diferencial normal
Creatinina 5.6
Eritrosedimentacion 30 mm/ 1 hora
La paciente llevaba 6 años en amenorrea y ahora comienza sangrado transvaginal desde hace 3 días que se acompaña de intensos dolores en fosa iliaca derecha, con nauseas. No fiebre. El examen sonografico abdominal muestra la presencia de riñones poliquisticos. En pelvis se visualiza útero de pequeño tamaño, ( 6.1 X 3.2 cm ) con foco nodular miomatoso, hiper-ecogenico, calcificado y la presencia de pequeño derrame liquido en fondo de saco posterior. En región ovárica derecha se visualiza masa quistica, con refuerzo posterior y con material ecogeno en su interior, altamente sugestivo de quiste ovárico derecho hemorragico, mide 7.4 X 6.3 X 6.3 cm.
Polycystic Kidney & IRC & Hemorrhagic Ovarian Cyst
Female patient 46 years of age with chronic renal failure (CRF) on dialysis program for eleven years. A few years ago an attempt failed because the donor kidney transplant (his brother) suffered hypovolemic shock at the time of surgery when she was already in progress surgery and as a result of this extensive presence in the right iliac fossa scar.
Currently completing the following analytical
Leukocyte 4.100
Hemoglobin 9.7 gm
Hematocrit 29.7
Platelets 137 000
Differential Formula normal
Creatinine 5.6
Erythrocyte sedimentation 30 mm / 1 hour
The patient had amenorrhea and six years in TVB now begins three days since it is accompanied by severe pain in the right lower quadrant, with nausea. No fever.
An abdominal sonographic examination revealed the presence of polycystic kidneys.
The pelvis is displayed in the small uterus, (6.1 X 3.2 cm) with a focus nodular hyper-echogenic, calcified, myomatous, and the presence of small spill liquid into the posterior fornix.
At right is displayed ovarian region cystic mass with posterior enhancement and internal echogenic material, highly suggestive of right hemorrhagic ovarian cyst, measuring 7.4 X 6.3 X 6.3 cm.